[06:57:11] Do you know where I can find data that maps various kinds of Wikipedia contributors (editors, administrators, stewards, etc.) to their country of residence? [07:00:08] (I.e., a data set listing all Wikipedia contributors, their position (administrator, editor, bureaucrat, etc.), and their country of residence) [07:02:34] There is no official method to list the country of residence of users [07:04:13] That data simply won't exist [07:04:31] I can't think of anywhere country of residence is even recorded [07:04:43] You could try asking the research team [07:04:49] Guest34: ^ [07:06:42] Exists Category:Wikipedia in Germany, this is example but its not official user location tracking [07:06:53] Category:Wikipedians in Germany* [07:08:08] I don't think userbox categories will provide anywhere near a representative dataset [07:08:15] But they are your best bet [07:08:35] By the way, the IPv6 migration is kind of delayed... [07:09:30] Thanks for the information! [07:09:35] I am a data science student working on a visualization project. I was asked to find a dataset with a combination of quantitative, qualitative, and geographic data. My mind straightaway went to Wikipedia. I wondered if anyone had suggestions? [07:10:40] I've had trouble searching for appropriate data-sets. (There are so many it seems!) [07:10:43] or you can use stats.wikimedia.org [07:11:18] It doesn't give you such detailed information but you can find interesting graphs. [07:14:13] Thanks for all your help! [13:20:20] Since last week we get repeatedly error messages from http://proxy-03.project-proxy.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud (re @wmtelegram_bot: Gerrtivp, can you tell me more about why you think it's the proxy and not the back-end host?) [13:22:18] Geertivp: Ah, ok, that's just proxy-03 complaining that it can't reach the backend because the backend is failing. I don't think it's anything specific going wrong with the proxy. [13:26:22] Sage is working on the service; I don't think there's a lot for us to do in the meantime. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T385477 [15:58:13] Hello. I think a pod's stuck. It's been running for 22 hours but looking at the logs, it stopped doing anything around 17:00 yesterday. It's https://k8s-status.toolforge.org/namespaces/tool-mabot/pods/cr-eswiki-1739811306-vz8n9/ -- I've tried with `kubectl delete ` but it's still there in "terminating" status, and `kubectl get deployment` returns nix [16:08:10] might be stuck on NFS, looking [16:10:57] I tried to restart it, but it failed to properly terminate the stuck one [16:28:01] the worker it's running on seems to be having issues yep, I'll restart it, that should move your pod somewhere else without that issue [16:34:44] sorry dcaro - got disconnected [16:35:19] I understand that what you did will terminate the pod right? [16:45:22] !log lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13 tools.wikibugs toolforge jobs restart znc; toolforge jobs restart irc # dropped from IRC [16:45:24] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.wikibugs/SAL [16:47:33] there were still events in the toolforge jobs logs of znc and irc btw [16:47:39] so I have no idea what was wrong with wikibugs :S [16:47:48] though admittedly I didn’t look very closely at the logs at all [16:47:52] I suppose I could’ve saved them to a file [17:16:12] * bd808 looks at wikibugs logs to try and see what might have been happening [17:23:22] The irc and gerrit logs for wikibugs look normal around the time of the restart. Unfortunately the logging setup doesn't preserve anything about what was going on with ZNC.