[13:52:02] Hello. [13:53:20] I noticed that the "Edit statistics" doesn't seem to be working. https://xtools.wmcloud.org/ec/en.wikipedia.org/Imwin567 [13:53:32] Just want to be sure you are aware of that.... [13:58:56] that is odd. after becoming my tool, i hit the up arrow key and instead of getting the most recent command, i get every command from the last 3 sessions. [14:01:39] heads up I'm upgrading ToolsDB and it will be unavailable for a couple minutes [14:01:59] !status toolsdb maintenance [14:11:54] dhinus: I was just about to complain that. hehe [14:12:19] !status toolsdb maintenance [14:14:27] toolsdb is back now [14:14:30] !status ok [14:15:13] FYI: xtools.wmcloud.org is still not working [14:21:26] !help [14:21:26] If you don't get a response in 15-30 minutes, please email the cloud@ mailing list -- https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Cloud_Services_communication [14:24:13] Guest80: you can try contacting the maintainers https://openstack-browser.toolforge.org/project/xtools [14:24:58] or create a task and add the tag XTools (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org) [14:26:26] the webserver there seems to be crashing due to an extension (mod_log_forensic.c, so just restarting is probably not enough) [14:26:42] I see that musikanimal (one of the maintainers) is on this channel [14:28:01] Seems like this problem was already reported on Phabricator: [14:28:03] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T387120 [19:08:01] !log lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13 tools.quickcategories toolforge envvars delete TOOL_EXPECTED_DATABASE_ERROR && webservice restart [19:08:03] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.quickcategories/SAL [19:09:21] !log lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13 tools.ranker deployed 80fa92877e (l10n updates: diq) [19:09:22] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.ranker/SAL [19:27:01] are there any known issues with launching new debian-11.0-bullseye vms at the moment? [19:36:09] urandom: not that I know of -- what are you seeing? [19:37:24] well, a vm seems to be running, but I'm unable to log in. I get the ol' `Connection closed by UNKNOWN port 65535` error, ssh for 🤷‍♂️ I guess? [19:37:35] what's the fqdn of the VM? [19:37:46] there are some errors in the log, but mostly it looks like maybe puppet didn't run? [19:37:54] dp-cssndr4x-cass-02.swift.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud [19:38:19] I tried a couple of others too [19:38:31] you're right that puppet didn't run, let me see what I can find... [19:39:21] create VM without a role first, let puppet finish once, verify SSH login works, then apply production role. otherwise puppet must completely work on the very first run which is unlikely [19:40:03] cloud-init didn't detect the host's IP address on start up. So puppet never even got a chance. [19:40:18] *nods* [19:45:59] We detect the initial IP with 'ip route show default' which doesn't work on that host. [19:46:08] Not sure if that's a bullseye issue or a chicken/egg issue [19:52:46] urandom: I'm going to give https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1122228 a test, will ping when I have results. [19:53:42] 👍 [21:07:39] urandom: if you delete that VM and build a new one it should work now (or at least it does for me) [21:10:47] andrewbogott: that's awesome; let me try [21:16:38] andrewbogott: yeah, that works. thanks for taking care of that! [21:16:50] thanks for noticing! [21:33:13] hello all [21:33:17] https://ws-export.wmcloud.org/ [21:33:21] seems down [21:33:28] can anyone check and make it up? [21:56:02] wikibugs: https://ws-export.wmcloud.org/ is down [21:56:29] wikibugs is a bot and can not help you [21:58:27] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Tool:Wsexport [21:58:43] shrini-weechat: that webapp is part of the https://openstack-browser.toolforge.org/project/wikisource project. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/board/3917/ is their bug tracker [21:58:52] shrini-weechat: it seems this tool was replaced by a new tool.. that ^ [22:00:10] * bd808 looks to see if we have a task about making the shared proxy error page fancier... [22:01:04] OH OK [22:01:08] sorry for the caps [22:01:20] https://tools.wmflabs.org/wsexport/tool/book.php [22:01:24] this seems the new tool [22:01:44] which is connected with tamil wikisource [22:02:02] where can we get the download stats of all the downlods? [22:02:08] that is a very old URL pattern that redirects to the new service [22:02:36] shrini-weechat: you will need to ask the tool maintainers that, but my hunch is that they do nto exist. [22:02:40] *do not [22:04:02] TheresNoTime: if you happen to be about, ws-export seems busted (and you are listed as an admin in that project) [22:04:27] musikanimal: Same poke for you ^ [22:04:57] what's with everything going down today, lol [22:05:47] how to reach the maintainers to know about the logs or stats? [22:06:03] shrini-weechat: meet musikanimal, musikanimal meet shrini-weechat [22:07:25] I restarted and that seemed to fix it. Underlying issue, I'm not sure… probably too many ebooks being generated. Samwilson is the best go-to for this tool [22:10:12] !log bd808@tools-bastion-12 tools.stashbot Manual restart because I just happened to notice the bot drop off of irc before the bot notied it dropped off of irc [22:10:17] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.stashbot/SAL [22:20:16] thanks musikanimal [22:20:30] do we log the download stats anywhere? [22:20:49] like to have a dashboard or metrics of tamil wikisource ebooks downloads [22:20:58] or for all indic wikisources [22:25:12] shrini-weechat: it's very slow to load but there are some stats available at https://ws-export.wmcloud.org/statistics [22:41:31] will check [22:43:45] as you said, too slow [22:43:55] is there any other way to access it via api or db query?