[08:25:53] Glamorous seems to be down https://glamtools.toolforge.org/glamorous.php [08:26:07] Webservice request timed out [08:52:04] !log admin T387828 depooled galera on cloudcontrol1005 [08:52:10] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Admin/SAL [08:52:11] T387828: openstack galera no recent writes 2025-03-04 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T387828 [09:04:46] IVeertje: I've restarted the webservice and it's back up [10:50:20] Hi! I am setting up my first Toolforge tool, and it seems my database credentials are missing: [10:50:22] tools.monax-ukwiki-queries@tools-bastion-13:~$ ls -a [10:50:23] . .. .bash_logout .bashrc .kube .local .profile .python_history .toolskube logs [10:50:25] The docs advised me to ask for help, so there's that (https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Database). Or am I missing something here? Thanks in advance [11:11:43] mar_zh9: looking [11:15:06] oh, the process that creates the credentials was running in cloudcontrol1005 xd [11:15:10] arturo: ^ [11:15:32] are we any closer to getting that node up? should I relocate the maintain-dbusers system? [11:15:35] ha! [11:15:48] dcaro: we are blocked on DCops operations, so better to relocate [11:16:31] ack, I'll start on that [11:18:36] got two new api slow alerts popping up [11:21:04] maybe expected [11:23:07] okok [11:23:44] patch to change the control node https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1124391 [11:24:08] +1'd [11:25:18] thanks! [11:26:08] we might hit some db credentials issues... [11:26:11] (hopefully not) [11:26:25] grants to create users and such in the replicas [11:26:36] right [11:30:44] it worked :) [11:33:30] mar_zh9: your credentials are created \o/ (note that it's preferred to use the envvars to the file for your tools, `toolforge envvars list`, https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Toolforge/Envvars) [11:35:45] >oh, the process that creates the credentials was running in cloudcontrol1005 xd [11:35:46] I guess I am very lucky :) [11:35:58] thanks, will take a look [13:40:11] !log tools reboot tools-legacy-redirector-2 (http probes failing more than usual) [13:40:14] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools/SAL [15:30:16] !log admin-monitoring manually cleaning up list of fullstackd VMs [15:30:19] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Admin-monitoring/SAL