[03:15:24] !log bsadowski1@tools-bastion-13 tools.stewardbots Restarted StewardBot/SULWatcher because of an EventStreams issue [03:15:27] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.stewardbots/SAL [09:37:03] Hi :) [09:37:04] I rewrote a Python app that could not run in Toolforge in React recently. I would like to try to deploy it in Toolforge. See https://github.com/dpriskorn/topic-creator-frontend [09:37:05] I see no Tutorials_for_popular_languages in the wiki for node.js, but I found out that heruko has a buildpack https://github.com/heroku/buildpacks-nodejs [09:37:07] Does anyone have tips to help get me started? [10:46:51] dpriskorn: following the instructions for that heroku buildpack should work in toolforge as well [10:48:19] we've been meaning to add a node.js tutorial to the wiki but never got around to doing that, if you manage to deploy your app successfully and you want to add a short tutorial yourself, you're more than welcome! [10:49:24] if you never deployed other apps in toolforge, you can follow the high-level steps from any other tutorial (python or php are probably good ones to copy from) [12:48:01] I'm curious if a multi-staged build would be preferable in Toolforge. ie the app is build and the static html is served using nginx, see https://www.docker.com/blog/how-to-dockerize-react-app/ [13:53:39] kamila_: I made some changes to the horizon login process. It doesn't fix /my/ problem but can you check and see if it fixes yours? [13:53:48] Again, I'd say start in a private browser tab to make sure it's a clean test. [13:56:23] dpriskorn: multi-stage builds for static websites are very cool, but they are not supported in toolforge at the moment. we mostly rely on upstream buildpacks from heroku, and they don't support that either. [13:58:47] andrewbogott: same 401 [13:59:20] ok, thanks for checking [13:59:36] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/dB1RiqQ6/ [14:01:51] kamila_: that's after you enter your username and password? [14:02:17] yes [14:40:20] ok, I understand. I'll keep it simple then (re @wmtelegram_bot: dpriskorn: multi-stage builds for static websites are very cool, but they are not supported in toolforge at the moment....) [18:28:48] kamila_: on the offhand chance that you are still around/awake, can you try logging into horizon again? [18:29:40] and, I guess I'd appreciate a horizon login test from a couple other people if anyone is feeling charitable :) [18:31:06] andrewbogott: works now! nice \o/ [18:31:13] all right! [18:31:15] thank you for testing [18:31:26] thank you for fixing :-) [18:31:40] This fix is actually a disservice to your name, since all I did was change the mapping to use ID instead of name and ID is ascii [18:32:00] so your name may show up weird in the UI, no promises. [18:32:02] :D [18:33:40] UI has charset=utf-8, so it works there [18:34:01] cool [18:34:33] horizon is working for me too fwiw :) [18:34:46] lucas, did you try logging out and in again? [18:35:13] I first tried a normal tab but it made me log in there too (guess itโ€™s been too long since last time), then a private window. both worked [18:36:31] awesome [18:36:35] thank you for testing! [18:36:39] np ^^ [18:36:51] just in case, I'm leaving instructions on how to revert in T388137 [18:36:52] T388137: horizon: some users get 401 unauthorized - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T388137 [19:27:49] !log lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13 tools.wd-image-positions deployed b8022cddca (l10n updates: tr) [19:27:52] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.wd-image-positions/SAL [19:28:46] !log lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13 tools.ranker deployed 5ced6327b8 (l10n updates: nl) [19:28:47] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.ranker/SAL [20:13:24] I found out that this is probably not true. :) I successfully build my app using serve and it should serve a static build now on https://topic-curator.toolforge.org [20:13:25] See https://github.com/dpriskorn/topic-creator-frontend/blob/main/DEVELOPMENT.md for my draft tutorial. (re @wmtelegram_bot: dpriskorn: multi-stage builds for static websites are very cool, but they are not supported in toolforge at the moment....) [20:19:30] All requests are served in less than 30 ms on average from the cluster. ๐ŸŽ‰ It's crazy fast compared to my earlier flask app with exactly the same features which had multi-second load times for some pages.