[09:41:42] I am removing lots of old grants from misc hosts, they are ips that aren't resolving anymore, but in case you see something strange there, please ping me [10:01:24] Switching es5 eqiad master [10:17:04] I will be doing a change of the dump user starting this week to reduce the grants and point to only the new dbprovs [11:04:01] Can I get a sanity check on this change https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1111589 ? [11:06:34] checking [11:08:30] thanks! [11:08:42] looks good [11:09:16] thank you, deplying! [11:09:21] deploying [11:13:00] do you happen to know if wmf-mariadb106 is the default config for bullseye on puppet or do I need to set the package? [11:13:05] sotty [11:13:08] sorry [11:13:10] it is [11:13:11] I meant bookworm [11:13:15] Yeah, it is [11:13:19] thanks [11:14:58] oh, I see, I wasn't aware of https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1100068 [11:15:15] so I was confused why it looked like it was setup but only partially [12:04:19] jynus: It was done only partially 🤷 [12:54:34] Amir1: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T383689 is this for me? [12:55:05] the codfw is for you 🥺 This one is more of "whoever finds the time" [12:55:57] Yeah, the codfw I will do it next tuesday [12:56:11] I can do this one now if you like, I have some time now [12:56:22] that'd be amazing [12:56:24] thanks <3 [13:08:15] Amir1: Done, let me reboot,upgrade and rebuild tables before I can give the old master back to you? [13:08:38] sure! [13:08:42] thanks for the reboot [13:25:58] Amir1: db1163 rebooted and currently rebuilding tables - I will get back to you when it is ready for you [13:26:11] thanks <3 it should take a couple of hours [13:37:34] pagelinks is 100G so I think it will take a bit more than 2h :) [13:37:42] anyway - will ping you [13:47:00] I got this notes after mysql_upgrade: "note : Auto_increment will be checked on each open until CHECK TABLE FOR UPGRADE is executed" [13:48:17] is this related to a fix for T375652 ? [13:48:27] T375652: Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError: Error 1062: Duplicate entry '1' for key 'PRIMARY' Function: MediaWiki\CheckUser\Services\CheckUserLogService::addLogEntry - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T375652 [13:49:38] That is part of the new mariadb_upgrade script [13:50:41] oh, so this is a check that is done on mysql_upgrade, if I understood it well? [13:51:09] as I get the same output if I do "CHECK TABLE actor FOR UPGRADE" [13:52:15] Yeah, it is the same [13:53:12] this is weird, because I would expect it to go away after I do the command they suggest [13:53:19] (the note) [13:53:43] "Finally the OPTIMIZE TABLE made the problem go away." [13:54:06] I see on internet, which means the message is a bit missleading- it suggest rebuilding the table, not just checking it [13:54:35] We are rebuilding them [13:55:17] yeah, I am "complaining" about the message being unclear, not our action [13:56:32] I want to make sure I understand everything and I do it correctly before I do it on more dbs [13:57:23] this is a nice resource: https://fromdual.com/mariadb-and-mysql-upgrade-problems [13:58:59] indeed I confirmed it goes away after rebuilding [16:03:04] Amir1: Is your work on pc5 stopped? I am going to do some work there tomorrow to keep reorganizing things [16:04:23] [home wifi AP replaced, without toooo many sharks] [18:08:28] marostegui: I've stopped the script for now, it can wait until the changes are done [18:09:35] Amir1: thanks [18:09:46] Amir1: db1163 is all yours, it's pooled [18:09:52] awesome [18:16:26] FIRING: [13x] SystemdUnitFailed: apt-daily-upgrade.service on ms-be2075:9100 - https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Monitoring/check_systemd_state - https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/g-AaZRFWk/systemd-status - https://alerts.wikimedia.org/?q=alertname%3DSystemdUnitFailed [18:17:05] yeah, that system is badly broken T382707 and T383530 [18:17:06] T382707: Frequent disk resets on ms-be2075 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T382707 [18:17:06] T383530: Degraded RAID due to failed sdy on ms-be2075 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T383530 [18:17:25] current catch-22 is it's too broken to run apt, and Dell want an sosreport... [22:16:26] FIRING: [13x] SystemdUnitFailed: apt-daily-upgrade.service on ms-be2075:9100 - https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Monitoring/check_systemd_state - https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/g-AaZRFWk/systemd-status - https://alerts.wikimedia.org/?q=alertname%3DSystemdUnitFailed