[02:21:42] PROBLEM - MariaDB sustained replica lag on s4 on db2219 is CRITICAL: 48.6 ge 10 https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/MariaDB/troubleshooting%23Replication_lag https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000273/mysql?orgId=1&var-server=db2219&var-port=9104 [02:24:42] RECOVERY - MariaDB sustained replica lag on s4 on db2219 is OK: (C)10 ge (W)5 ge 0 https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/MariaDB/troubleshooting%23Replication_lag https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000273/mysql?orgId=1&var-server=db2219&var-port=9104 [07:48:13] db1239 catching up replication now [07:50:30] jynus: Nice! [07:50:34] I will move it when it is in sync [08:07:26] I am switching es5 master [08:08:16] Done [08:16:11] Amir1: I forgot about --check in the schema change, it only checks for replicas right? [10:06:05] 2 hosts are rebuilding tables on several sections: db1225 and db1216 [10:06:16] should be done by the end of day [13:05:07] db1239:s2 caught up (s1 will do soon) [13:06:17] for db1216:s8 I need to rebuild a lot of tables, so it may need to wait until monday [13:59:27] marostegui: it checks for replicas but if you run it with --dc-masters it runs the check on masters [13:59:35] (granted the replicas variable is None) [14:02:25] marostegui: If you asked that question one hour earlier, I would have answered you before sleep :D [14:08:00] any tips on how to handle db1216. the table rebuilding will finish in a few hours, but I am soon going to finish my day [14:08:10] I have downtimed it until monday [14:30:30] jynus: Just leave it until monday then :) [14:44:27] will do, then [14:44:31] have a nice weekend [14:45:19] you too! [14:48:03] Amir1: Thanks, yeah, I figured earlier, but forgot to post it. :) [14:48:05] Thank you!