[10:20:45] 10GitLab (Support), 07Documentation: Simplify fork-and-merge-request workflow descriptions in local documentation - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T373122#10202020 (10KBach) 05Open→03In progress a:03KBach I copied this page to my sandbox and made a few edits to see if I can improve it. @bd808 @brennen... [10:22:28] 10GitLab (Support), 06Tech-Docs-Team, 07Documentation: Simplify fork-and-merge-request workflow descriptions in local documentation - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T373122#10202025 (10KBach) [20:56:36] 10GitLab (Support), 06Tech-Docs-Team, 07Documentation: Simplify fork-and-merge-request workflow descriptions in local documentation - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T373122#10203851 (10bd808) I think you are definitely making that content easier to follow @KBach. I especially appreciate the multi-remote w...