[00:46:49] OK, my husband is coming to your site and somehow getting all of my data and all of my passwords and he pushes data or code on me to pull my data every single freaking day. It seems like they’re changing my password every single day in my Apple and in my iCloud, they’re even changing my emails in my iCloud and Apple Seriously no one has access [00:46:49] to my phone except me and my husband we live in the country. I haven’t been out since I’ve been hacked five months ago. Is it him or am I just freaking out? [00:47:51] Guest16: this IRC channel is not whatever you think it is [00:48:02] Sorry [00:48:32] What are you [00:49:28] This is a channel for discussing the gitlab.wikimedia.org GitLab CE code forge deployment used by technical contributors to WIkimedia movement projects. [02:45:10] 10GitLab (Integrations), 10Phabricator, 06Release-Engineering-Team: Show related Gitlab patches on Phabricator tasks - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T385480#10519637 (10brennen) a:03brennen This exists - see {T324149} for background. Seems to be currently broken, I'm guessing because a token expired. I... [09:21:15] 10GitLab (Integrations), 10Phabricator, 06Release-Engineering-Team, 07Regression: Show related Gitlab patches on Phabricator tasks - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T385480#10520055 (10Aklapper) [16:17:15] 10GitLab (Auth & Access), 10CAS-SSO, 06collaboration-services, 06Infrastructure-Foundations: gitlab account maps to two different developer accounts - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T384025#10521666 (10Jelto) I checked the user in the [GitLab admin menu](https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/admin/users/sstefano...