[07:21:35] In case you haven't seen it yet, the creation of a Product and Technology Advisory Council is under way: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Product_and_Technology_Advisory_Council/Proposal [07:21:50] Nominations are open until August 10. I'm sure there are a number of people here that could do a great work there! [12:42:17] `Hello @malyacko I didn't see the message! can you tell me the methods to put in place? css or js..` (re @HOVY: 👨‍🔧 Hello everybody! do you know how to embed this audio into Mediawiki? trick ? link: [12:42:18] 1 : goo.su/Nvp0N [12:42:19] 2 : goo.su/LQDNtEH) [12:55:42] Please do not obfuscate URLs. No, please check the code yourself. (re @HOVY: Hello @malyacko I didn't see the message! can you tell me the methods to put in place? css or js..) [15:28:55] Hey for anyone out there (wish I could go but I'm updating my Passport) I wrote a guide about this years Wikimania for my group blog: https://defcon201.medium.com/hacker-summer-camp-2024-guides-part-eleven-wikimania-katowice-b4b6c19b7038