[05:30:37] We're just hours away from the start of Wikimania! Join our kickoff to this year's Wikimania Hackathon (https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2024:Program/Hackathon) today, Wednesday, August 7 at 12:15pm to 1:15pm, local time (CEST, UTC+2). Grab your lunch plate and join us in the Warsaw room! FYI - the opening session will not be recorded or live-streamed. During the [05:30:38] opening cere [05:30:39] mony, participants will have a chance to talk about their projects (30 seconds max). If you are in need of collaborators, you can briefly announce what you are doing and what you need help with. Others can simply announce an offer of help in their area of expertise. See you all soon! [06:56:37] Yay! [07:27:37] https://youtu.be/JJZoYK-cEbQ?si=t-9FaBqVf0S9lEND [10:07:44] https://wikimania.eventyay.com/2024/talk/CEMFDX/ [10:07:58] Hackathon opening ceremony - starting soon! In room WARSAW [10:08:12] Warsaw - 20+24 [10:08:13] I'll skip as the room will probably be not sufficient in size [10:08:48] I don't expect it will be that crowded, at least not at the start (re @sjoerddebruin: I'll skip as the room will probably be not sufficient in size) [10:10:37] there's lots of space at the moment [10:12:13] Are we allowed to take our lunch with us? [10:12:36] Yes (re @Leaderboard: Are we allowed to take our lunch with us?) [10:13:37] Wikimania Hackathon opening starting soon in WARSAW (Room 20+24) - 12:15pm [10:13:37] https://wikimania.eventyay.com/2024/talk/CEMFDX/ [10:18:38] There are still a good amount of free seats, ~20 [10:19:05] We have around 40 people in the room now, still seats available! [10:30:08] my projects: [10:30:09] • polish the toolforge_i18n library – if anyone wants to be an early adopter to use it to make their Toolforge tools (written in Python+Flask) translatable, ping me :) [10:30:10] • and I’d love to talk to someone from the security team about how to unblock T322944 ^^ [10:33:09] Can someone share the link to opening etherpad? [10:34:34] https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WM2024_Day1_Warsaw-_Rooms_20%2B24 [10:36:05] My project: https://ainali.github.io/wd-search/ [10:36:06] https://github.com/Ainali/wd-search [10:38:17] https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Wikimania_Hackathon_2024_Opening was looking for that one (re @lucaswerkmeister: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WM2024_Day1_Warsaw-_Rooms_20%2B24) [10:45:18] A bit like https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?search=haswbstatement%3AP31%3DQ3305213+haswbstatement%3AP136+-haswbstatement%3AP136%3DQ134307&title=Special:Search&profile=advanced&fulltext=1&ns0=1&ns120=1 ? (re @Jan_ainali: My project: https://ainali.github.io/wd-search/ [10:45:19] https://github.com/Ainali/wd-search) [10:46:49] Like I asked in my small introduction, here's what the rumors are: [10:46:50] 🎉 So I heard a rumor that the UNOFFICIAL Wikimania 2024 opening party starts at *Absurdalna* tonight at 21:00 hours. Can anyone confirm? ‼️ [10:46:51] Some say it’s a crazy cool brewpub with the occasional salsa 💃 dancing, having cozy corners, as well as wide open seating areas, and outdoor seating in lounge chairs… It’s all news to me! [10:50:01] Hey, newbie here User:Shushugah and would love to make my first Lua contribution. What session/place is good for newbie contributors? [11:01:37] Not really, the search gets all statements of the hits and then lets you filter it without needing to know them prior to the search (re @MaartenDammers: A bit like https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?search=haswbstatement%3AP31%3DQ3305213+haswbstatement%3AP136+-haswbstatement%3AP...) [11:34:45] It won't! (re @Ideophagous: Unfortunately my flight to Katowice got canceled so I will miss the first day of Wikimania. Hopefully my replacement flight tomo...) [11:35:54] Oh No! [11:35:55] Did I miss this already? (re @deb_t: We're just hours away from the start of Wikimania! Join our kickoff to this year's Wikimania Hackathon today, Wednesday, August ...) [11:36:50] I'm open to this too👌 (re @shushugah: Hey, newbie here User:Shushugah and would love to make my first Lua contribution. What session/place is good for newbie contribu...) [11:55:05] Yup - we missed you! :) the slides have been uploaded (https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikimania_Katowice_2024_-_Hackathon_Opening_session.pdf) and the etherpad has the pitch info. (re @Tesleemat: Oh No! [11:55:06] Did I miss this already?) [12:18:06] Thanks so much (re @deb_t: Yup - we missed you! :) the slides have been uploaded (https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikimania_Katowice_2024_-_Hacka...) [13:20:55] I just read through [13:20:55] Happy catching up (re @deb_t: Yup - we missed you! :) the slides have been uploaded (https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikimania_Katowice_2024_-_Hacka...) [14:38:18] The schedule shows three such sessions 🤔 what are the other two about / who will be in them? (re @deb_t: There will be a table (in the foyer) with Jack Wheeler and Selena Decklemann during lunchtime on Friday, August 9th, to chat abo...) [14:44:03] the sessions will be slightly different day by day. some of the initiatives are only in the afternoon Thursday/Friday (user Ex) and PTAC is only on Friday. the schedule on the Hackathon page is up to date and eventyay has it as well - in the specific event description:) (re @waldyrious: The schedule shows three such sessions 🤔 what are the other two about / who will [14:44:04] be in them?) [14:47:50] More sessions coming up tomorrow? [14:47:51] I will like to join 🙏 (re @deb_t: the sessions will be slightly different day by day. some of the initiatives are only in the afternoon Thursday/Friday (user Ex) ...) [15:03:00] We'll be starting hacking tomorrow in our own room all day - Thursday, Friday, and Saturday! Our room is called Voore in rooms 19+25+26. The Developer Corner will be there the whole time, so if you want to ask questions, they can help! And of course, all the other developers doing their projects as well! (re @Tesleemat: More sessions coming up tomorrow? [15:03:01] I will like to join 🙏) [15:29:41] I will be around then (re @deb_t: We'll be starting hacking tomorrow in our own room all day - Thursday, Friday, and Saturday! Our room is called Voore in rooms 1...) [19:37:49] Hey! If somebody could help me tomorrow to understand from where Codex design tokens appear when `mediawiki.skin.variables.less` is imported, I would be appreciated [19:51:10] They come from here by default: [19:51:12] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/core/+/HEAD/resources/src/mediawiki.less/mediawiki.skin.variables.less [19:51:13] And you can find the list of tokens at: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/core/+/HEAD/resources/src/mediawiki.less/mediawiki.skin.defaults.less. [19:51:15] This file also describes in detail the next point: [19:51:16] The values of the tokens can be overridden by the skin. For example, Vector skin uses Codex tokens as the value: [19:51:18] https://codesearch.wmcloud.org/deployed/?q=SkinLessImportPaths%22#mediawiki/skins/Vector [19:51:19] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/skins/Vector/+/refs/heads/master/resources/mediawiki.less/vector/mediawiki.skin.variables.less (re @putnik: Hey! If somebody could help me tomorrow to understand from where Codex design tokens appear when mediawiki.skin.variables.less i...) [21:44:01] is there anyone on the hackathon working on Matrix (like running own instance or linking it to Wikimedia signon etc.)? [21:51:38] probably not, there were some attempts in ~2019 that mostly failed but ended up with an externally-hosted, staff-only instance [21:51:48] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T230531 https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T193961 have more info [21:53:14] Mattermost has also been tried, plus another that I can't remember [21:55:00] maybe you’re thinking of the Discourse instance? (at least I think it was Discourse) [21:55:35] probably [21:55:50] there is also a zulip that exists and is mostly only used by GSOC/related [22:02:23] (insert standards xkcd here) [22:06:02] In particular there was T230536 "*Write OAuth auth plugin for Synapse*" (to enable Matrix<>SUL), which @gtisza closed as Resolved a few months ago. (re @wmtelegram_bot: is there anyone on the hackathon working on Matrix (like running own instance or linking it to Wikimedia signon etc.)?) [22:43:53] Flexman: not working on it at the hackathon specifically as I'll probably spend most of my time in other parts of the conference, but in general yes. [22:44:47] Wikimedia signon is mostly blocked by issues on the Element side, we tried it for T341762 and the mobile client had issues. [22:47:48] What I'd like to get done some time is to test various bridges (T337136 etc) and write a Chatrix (https://github.com/Automattic/chatrix) plugin for MediaWiki.