[10:30:55] tuukkahastrup: true. While I'm still find with IRC via Bouncer I think that for most it will be comfortable to have a client that works like Telegram etc. and there Matrix is the best FLOSS Solution, and I think it's IRC bridge is not so bad. [10:31:46] find=fine [10:33:09] Or maybe it can be usefule to have an official Mastodon instance to go with a conference? I'm not using this kind of channel so much, but does that make sense? [10:54:42] Mastodon servers are federated, so you can already choose from e.g. these and it doesn't matter much which one: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mastodon#Instances [11:26:34] tuukkahastrup: what I mean is that there is a lack of official channels, so that you have to know people who tell you in which inofficial channel the conversation takes place. [13:03:45] oh, wikimania mails sent from eventyay.com ended up in my spam folder... definately should check that one more often [13:22:08] The semi-official Mastodon server is https://wikis.world/ , event organizers can use that if they want [13:24:40] I think Mastodon is a very different kind of interaction though, I wouldn't see it as a replacement for a channel-oriented chat platform like Telegram or IRC [13:25:27] though I don't mind more people using Mastodon, and if you want a wikis.world invite you can contact me for instance ^^ [13:41:19] Yeah I think Mastodon is somewhat of a solution in search for a problem. It's a Twitter competitor; I think the only reason that makes Twitter an interesting platform is its reach, which Mastodon doesn't have. Otherwise it does not have much benefit over blogs etc. [13:42:15] I believe 'ownership by Elon Musk' has become enough of a problem in its own right [13:47:47] Not really IMO. But at best it's an argument for not using it. It's not really an argument for using a competitor that doesn't provide the benefit that we used the original service for. [13:48:07] (Not very heavily, as far as I know.) [16:33:25] I dislike IRC - it's set in the past in my opinion but we have a vocal minority that like it. I also don't like a service that forces me to enter my phone number for access like Telegram. [16:33:27] Personally I think Discord is better than IRC/Telegram, though that is not free-use [16:35:58] Telegram hasn't required phone numbers in years afaik [17:23:19] I wasn't able to create an account without entering my phone number. (re @sjoerddebruin: Telegram hasn't required phone numbers in years afaik) [17:24:02] Then I misread some recent discussion [18:18:17] I feel that Discord's VC backing is going to bite us eventually [18:18:30] but while we have it I'll use it [18:19:54] I've tried Matrix in the past and it's mostly just clunky [18:20:38] the wikimedia Mattermost instance that existed for a bit had a bunch of discoverability problems, only some of which were the software's fault [19:56:51] I'm wondering if there's someone in this group who could upload wikidata common names to iNaturalist common name. I haven't seen any tool to do that, but it may be something that someone has figured out before. [20:44:51] Discord is almost certain to pull the rug on gratis usage when its funders get nervous about income. It is an open question if the creation of The Matrix.org Foundation will keep Matrix from becoming a rug pull by Element for the same reasons. Libre chat protocols don't have a great record of keeping gratis hosting and clients widely available. [20:57:27] Matrix is federated, so the worst that could happen is that their paid staff stops contributing to the code. Also their CLA is explicitly limited to OSI-approved licenses. It's by far the most FLOSS-pilled of the major chat options. [20:58:39] They are actually moving in the other direction, they relicensed from Apache to AGPL recently. [21:31:00] I think Mastodon has about as many users now as Twitter when its signal-to-noise peaked in 2011. Certainly for free culture or tech, you're likely to miss as many people as you gain. Out of every 1000 people with an interest, I'd say 5 are on one, and 4 on the other, and they rarely overlap. At some point you have enough to saturate what you can ingest. (re@wmteleg [21:31:00] ram_bot: [21:31:01] away> Not really IMO. But at best it's an argument for not using it. It's not really an argument for using a competitor tha...) [21:32:45] It's not representative or inclusive either way and yeah not nearly as safe or welcoming to the kind of discourse that a chatroom would need.