[11:29:33] just a reminder that if you have tested positive since attending Wikimania, please contact @gisca_s and let them know so we can keep track [14:56:55] lucaswerkmeister: so, what would you suggest concerning IRC? [15:40:00] Flexman: no idea… I’m happy with my own IRC setup (using The Lounge as bouncer) but it’s not exactly beginner friendly [15:40:36] although… has there ever been an IRC bouncer hosted on toolforge or cloud VPS? 🤔 [15:40:40] (other than the internal ones used by bots) [15:40:45] or would that be against the rules / ToS? [15:41:47] I feel like a bouncer for Wikimedia-cloaked users, with old messages deleted after (e.g.) 30 days, could be useful [15:42:09] (and you could use the usual web chat to register your account and get your cloak in the first place) [15:42:27] WMCS has historically said no [15:48:10] Setting up a shared BNC in WMCS was the one of the first things I ever tried to do here after getting hired. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:BDavis_(WMF)/Projects/WMF_BCN -- The project was blocked by Ryan Lane as being against TOU mostly on the basis that it would need to store nickserv passwords and could log any channels folks joined. [15:50:11] Making a project in WMCS where only folks with an NDA can be project admins would be a possible solution today I suppose. We have a different understanding of on-the-wire security today in WMCS than Ryan had back in 2013. [15:51:04] Hosting in WMF production would be potentially nicer, but also exponentially more difficultto get approved by all the folks who would need to sign off. [15:52:09] With the WMF unwilling to host this sort of service internally for staff it becomes harder to imagine it happening at scale for the whole community. [15:59:43] I see, thanks [17:58:27] Hello xx