[15:54:27] Medals, Tour de France and a new developer portal...here is what happened around Wikidata over the past week! [[d:Wikidata:Status_updates/2024_08_18]] [15:55:05] Oops...sorry, typo in the date :P [15:55:17] Medals, Tour de France and a new developer portal...here is what happened around Wikidata over the past week! [[d:Wikidata:Status_updates/2024_08_19]] [15:58:15] /delete [16:07:30] did you mean to send this to the wikidata group? (re @Benny_Danjerfield: Medals, Tour de France and a new developer portal...here is what happened around Wikidata over the past week! [[d:Wikidata:Statu...) [16:09:57] Oh fiddlesticks. I was. I'll fix once I'm off the commute. Thanks for notifying me 😊 [22:33:12] [[d:Wikidata:For_developers]] is a nice resource that is probably relevant for this channel though! (re @Benny_Danjerfield: Oh fiddlesticks. I was. I'll fix once I'm off the commute. Thanks for notifying me 😊)