[06:47:23] Hi everyone, [06:47:25] I’m encountering an issue with my OAuth consumer registration for the "Category Adder" application. The consumer is currently set as "owner-only," which is causing authentication issues for users. I need help updating the consumer settings to remove this restriction and allow it to be used by others. [06:47:27] Does anyone have experience with this or know the process to adjust these settings? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! [06:47:29] Thanks in advance! [06:47:31] I’d create another consumer with the right settings. I haven’t thought of asking this question before though even as I faced this previously. (re @sarojoffl: Hi everyone, [06:47:33] I’m encountering an issue with my OAuth consumer registration for the "Category Adder" application. The consumer i...) [09:58:19] btw, is someone here who knows about Semantic Mediawiki? [11:10:41] Flexman: Nobody knows before you ask your followup question :) [11:17:33] well, i have a Sementic Mediawiki running with the Semantic Maps, which works quite fine. See here for an example: https://housetrails.org/Spezial:KU/163 [11:17:47] the query works even with AJAX so you can move the map [11:18:34] however with Semantic Forms we have some issues, like the system seems to be frozen for10 seconds when you upload a file. I wonder if someone has hints how to improve performance. [11:34:48] If you need to change anything in an OAuth consumer (other than the application secret) you need to create a new one, unfortunately. (re @sarojoffl: Hi everyone, [11:34:49] I’m encountering an issue with my OAuth consumer registration for the "Category Adder" application. The consumer i...) [13:20:57] andre: see? I knew, no one can answer SMW questions ;) [13:21:29] I wonder how this is Hackathon related :) [13:21:49] Flexman: you could see if the same bug exists on miraheze beta [13:22:06] We could probably see if our setup has the same bug [13:22:17] Or you can steal our config [14:55:24] Flexman: try asking at #mwstake-general:matrix.org [14:56:04] or #mwstake-extensions:matrix.org [14:57:42] that's where most SMW people hang out I think [14:58:28] or #semanticmediawiki [21:27:15] tgr|away: thanks, that makes sense [21:27:48] RhinosF1: what's miraheze beta? [21:28:14] andre: maybe it's interesting to see an other map solution that's already working for 12 years. [21:29:00] we just did this with a small budget and i'm wondering why wikipedia still doesn't have a appropriate map [21:32:14] Sure, doesn't sound related to a Hackathon event though :)