[23:31:24] hi! [23:31:25] looking for some guidance on perf/traffic impacts for an API call from a CentralNotice. [23:31:27] would make sure the call is well cached/user agnostic. so I think doesn't matter server side. but what about for clients? I guess CentralNotice doesn't block first paint anyway but it will delay deciding to show or not show a banner. should we not do this? [23:31:28] I tried searching e.g. [[m:CentralNotice/Banner guidelines]] for "API", got nothing. [23:31:30] mw.config has access to categories for current page, trying to filter on categories for associated talk page instead. [23:31:31] see also [[de:Wikipedia:Förderung/Wikimedia Deutschland/Förderung bewerben/Schritt-für-Schrittanleitung für die Beantragung einer Themenbannerkampagnen]] [23:31:33] @pharosofalexandria @DerHexerWP [23:59:50] For a CN banner with an API call, have a look at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:CentralNoticeBanners/edit/stewvote