[00:48:48] did you consider adding smaxage, maxage, uselang=content? and I guess origin=* doesn't hurt. [00:48:49] there's no private data in the API call but it has a username so each user gets a different call. but when the same user loads page again can serve that from cache, ok if it's a little stale. (re @DerHexerWP: For a CN banner with an API call, have a look at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:CentralNoticeBanners/edit/stewvote) [00:49:31] but mine is user agnostic [00:49:51] also can afford to be stale I was thinking, category memberships do change. [00:50:23] but not frequently. [06:42:02] it's not my banner, I haven't tried API calls yet (re @jeremy_b: did you consider adding smaxage, maxage, uselang=content? and I guess origin=* doesn't hurt. [06:42:03] there's no private data in the API...) [11:37:00] Oh DerHexer it’s you (re @DerHexerWP: it's not my banner, I haven't tried API calls yet) [11:38:56] yes, I am alive 😅 [11:39:43] Long time since I last talked to you briefly on discord [12:04:19] Not sure if it's a good idea to create a separate Varnish entry for every user. (re @jeremy_b: did you consider adding smaxage, maxage, uselang=content? and I guess origin=* doesn't hurt. [12:04:19] there's no private data in the API...) [12:04:34] Do you expect them to see the banner many times? [12:05:58] maxage would help though. [12:41:32] What’s the sense of [[Special:AutomaticTranslation]] [12:41:57] When I click on the random button on it, the page didn’t respond [14:10:04] cvictorovich: Please be more specific. Which button? [14:15:10] Random button on this page (re @cvictorovich: What’s the sense of [[Special:AutomaticTranslation]]) [14:17:20] On which wiki? Mediawiki.org doesn't have one... (re @cvictorovich: What’s the sense of [[Special:AutomaticTranslation]]) [14:18:48] I can only see a "Random topic" button if I go to some language Wikipedia [14:21:16] Every Wikipedia (re @Jan_ainali: On which wiki? Mediawiki.org doesn't have one...) [14:24:19] Found it? (re @Jan_ainali: On which wiki? Mediawiki.org doesn't have one...)