[15:52:43] Is there something different about the Wikimedia Hackathon compared to the hackathon section in Wikimania? (re @deb_t: Regarding the questions about the location of the 2025 Wikimedia Hackathon - the final decision has not been made yet. We'll nee...) [16:00:12] In general, hackathon in Wikimania is a block of Wikimania where volunteers are hacking and there is a showcase in the end, while Wikimedia Hackathon is an event which dedicated solely on Wikimedia technical matters, Wikimedia developer community and has a lot of presentations about technical stuff and tools intended to improve Wikimedia editing. (re@Leaderboard: [16:00:12] Is there someth [16:00:13] ing different about the Wikimedia Hackathon compared to the hackathon section in Wikimania?) [16:00:53] Wikimania is a larger event, usually in August, and it also includes its own Hackathon. [16:02:27] The Wikimedia Hackathon is a relatively smaller event, usually in April or May, and it's mostly about technical things—software development, bug fixing, discussion of new amd upcoming engineering-relates things, etc. [16:12:35] So it's just Wikimania, but technical. (re @nlikomitros: In general, hackathon in Wikimania is a block of Wikimania where volunteers are hacking and there is a showcase in the end, whil...) [16:19:03] Also is there a reason why it appears to be hosted in Europe and not in other continents? [16:23:15] Broader list of hackathons here include several global majority locations https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Hackathons/Previous_hackathons [16:24:28] WM Hackathons were hosted in Jerusalem, Pune, Mumbai, and San Francisco, so not only Europe [16:26:24] I couldn't apply for the last hackathon as I just got into tech then [16:26:59] Hopefully by the next one, I would be an expert in front end😁❤️ [16:28:37] In some degree. I haven't been into Hackathons, so someone else can elaborate more. (re @Leaderboard: So it's just Wikimania, but technical.) [16:34:37] I would say that while Wikimania is mostly about knowledge exchange and less doing/creating, the hackathon has the weight on doing and developing but there is also some knowledge shared. (re @Leaderboard: So it's just Wikimania, but technical.) [16:35:20] Well... to spice things up [16:35:20] https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Events [16:35:22] There are MediaWiki Users and Developers Conferences (EMWCon and SMWCon), Wikimedia Technology Summit [16:47:51] One could argue that Wikimania is also about doing, just not technical stuff. Countless projects started or were enhanced at Wikimania. CEE (Central and Easter Europe) cooperation really got a kick after 2011 Wikimania (re @Jan_ainali: I would say that while Wikimania is mostly about knowledge exchange and less doing/creating, the hackathon has the weight on doi...) [16:55:11] The one in May is the European hackathon. That one is more regular than in other locations (re @Leaderboard: Also is there a reason why it appears to be hosted in Europe and not in other continents?) [17:20:49] One could, but not that it is the majority of the conference. We don't have hundreds of new things sparking out every year, but we do have hundreds of presentations of what people did the year before. (re @naadzik: One could argue that Wikimania is also about doing, just not technical stuff. Countless projects started or were enhanced at Wik...) [17:29:40] Yes! [17:29:41] I am a witness to this (re @Jan_ainali: I would say that while Wikimania is mostly about knowledge exchange and less doing/creating, the hackathon has the weight on doi...) [18:25:54] In my opinion, hackathon had the technical environment with a lot of keyboard clicks