[06:21:09] Any news about CropTool? When to expect it being fixed? [06:34:10] https://mediawiki.org/wiki/ORES (re @GergesShamon: I would like to train a bot on destructive edits, what are the best classifiers to use for this project?) [06:46:43] would help if you said what you referring to. phabricator link, previous message, when did it break, define breakage. (re @Tohaomg: Any news about CropTool? When to expect it being fixed?) [07:03:25] It says it has some backend problems. Button "Connect" does not lead you anywhere.But the 504 error makes me think that this may be an issue with ToolForge itself and it may be temporary.So, before doing anything further, I took a liberty of asking if anyone already knows anything. : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/6641e207/file_64873.jpg [07:07:45] is there an overview of the codex colour variables somewhere? [07:13:44] Is this what you are looking for? https://doc.wikimedia.org/codex/latest/design-tokens/color.html (re @Nikki: is there an overview of the codex colour variables somewhere?) [07:16:21] no, I need something where I can easily see the options. I have to page down *40* times on that page to get to the bottom even though there's only 68 variables [07:24:01] So what you're asking for is smaller colour dots to improve readability, or someone to combine the five or six JSON files? [07:24:40] get a taller screen (re @Nikki: no, I need something where I can easily see the options. I have to page down *40* times on that page to get to the bottom even t...) [07:25:26] I guess also having the second column converted to four columns instead of all the paragraphs in it would also compress it vertically. (re @lcawte: So what you're asking for is smaller colour dots to improve readability, or someone to combine the five or six JSON files?) [07:26:20] Ironically, that is poor design, putting different kind of values in the same cell. [07:29:51] That's in the works (re @Nikki: no, I need something where I can easily see the options. I have to page down *40* times on that page to get to the bottom even t...) [07:30:23] Do you have the Phabricator ticket for it? (re @sjoerddebruin: That's in the works) [07:50:26] I don't know anything about the json - I'm mainly interested in being able to find appropriate variables for on-wiki css [07:50:26] smaller dots would help, but wouldn't be enough, because it would still be a long thin column where I have to scroll a lot and therefore can't easily see the whole list [07:50:28] I'm imagining something more like the name and a small square with the colour, only as wide as it needs to be to fit the name, displayed in multiple columns if the screen is wide enough, where clicking on one will either open or go to more information about it, so I can scan the names for things like "link" or "error" and/or scan the colours for things like reds or [07:50:28] greens and eas [07:50:29] ily find what I'm looking for (or determine that there's nothing that fits) (re @lcawte: So what you're asking for is smaller colour dots to improve readability, or someone to combine the five or six JSON files?) [12:02:18] What I do is that I open the source file in IDE and IDE automatically put color next to the value. It's nit perfect but it works [12:02:32] https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/b54691b8/file_64880.jpg [12:10:11] I created T374706 (re @Jan_ainali: Do you have the Phabricator ticket for it?) [12:41:22] T372928 (re @Jan_ainali: Do you have the Phabricator ticket for it?) [12:51:13] ohh, that's quite close! which ide is that? (re @Ladsgroup: What I do is that I open the source file in IDE and IDE automatically put color next to the value. It's nit perfect but it works) [12:54:52] InteliJ but I think vscode might also do the same. Let me check [12:55:03] vscode does the same yeah [12:58:39] there’s an overview of the different defined colours at https://doc.wikimedia.org/codex/main/style-guide/colors.html (but without design token names) (re @Nikki: no, I need something where I can easily see the options. I have to page down *40* times on that page to get to the bottom even t...) [14:09:40] "when did it break"? (re @Tohaomg: It says it has some backend problems. Button "Connect" does not lead you anywhere. [14:09:41] But the 504 error makes me think that this m...) [14:10:06] please file a bug if it's still broken [14:11:56] I have noticed it not working yesterday, so it is not working for at least a whole day (re @jeremy_b: "when did it break"?) [14:12:41] I have already made a Phabricator ticket: T374709 (re @jeremy_b: please file a bug if it's still broken) [14:14:18] that ticket is now a redirect :-) (re @Tohaomg: I have already made a Phabricator ticket: T374709) [15:19:23] Vector 2022 skin does not show user notification icons at the top [15:19:23] See https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullan%C4%B1c%C4%B1:Akil13?useskin=vector2022 [16:31:28] Is there a way to run Vector 2022 on the mobile version in another wiki (e.g enwiki, arwiki,...)? : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/a187377f/file_64886.jpg [16:47:15] yes, just press the "desktop" link at the very bottom of the page (re @GergesShamon: Is there a way to run Vector 2022 on the mobile version in another wiki (e.g enwiki, arwiki,...)?) [16:55:08] Could you send a screenshot? (re @Yetkin: Vector 2022 skin does not show user notification icons at the top [16:55:08] See https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullan%C4%B1c%C4%B1:Akil13?...) [17:00:50] https://prnt.sc/NoY6ohv1KLJl (re @Kuldeepburjbhalaike: Could you send a screenshot?) [17:01:43] you are not logged in … (re @Yetkin: https://prnt.sc/NoY6ohv1KLJl) [17:08:30] so? The page should work for anonymous users [17:12:13] maybe i misunderstood… You said Vector doesn't show user notification icons. But when you're not logged in, why would it show notification icons? (I believe it does if you actually make an edit, but I can't really test that at the moment to make sure.) [17:15:16] عند ضغط علي desktop يكون غير متجاوب (re @jhsoby: yes, just press the "desktop" link at the very bottom of the page) [17:16:16] Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:ClueBot_NG [17:16:17] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:ClueBot_NG/FAQ [17:16:19] Paper about original/previous ClueBot by Jacob Carter: https://web.archive.org/web/20111215215942if_/http://www.acm.uiuc.edu:80/~carter11/ClueBot.pdf (re @GergesShamon: I would like to train a bot on destructive edits, what are the best classifiers to use for this project?) [17:18:21] When you click on the "desktop" button at the bottom (without activating the desktop from the browser) : https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/bridgebot/4dd10b0e/file_64887.jpg [17:19:01] In Persian Wikipedia, I built this based rc patrolling data https://github.com/Ladsgroup/fawiki-revertbot (re @GergesShamon: I would like to train a bot on destructive edits, what are the best classifiers to use for this project?) [17:19:51] The features for the ML model are there too [17:21:13] Sorry, I meant the icons at the top right of the page. They show up in other skins but not vector 2022 (re @jhsoby: maybe i misunderstood… You said Vector doesn't show user notification icons. But when you're not logged in, why would it show no...) [18:15:02] doesn't matter for logged out because that's the default anyway but I'm pretty sure you need a hyphen-minus in there. vector-2022 not vector2022. (re @Yetkin: Sorry, I meant the icons at the top right of the page. They show up in other skins but not vector 2022) [18:15:49] or at least the user prefs uses that. maybe both work [18:16:33] oh huh no neither! [18:16:55] vector2022 gives vector 2010. [18:16:55] vector-2022 gives vector 2022. [18:17:28] (user pref set to monobook) [18:40:03] now I can't make that happen again. now both ways work for 2022. I assume I made a mistake. 🤷 (re @jeremy_b: vector2022 gives vector 2010. [18:40:04] vector-2022 gives vector 2022.) [18:42:47] ok I see now, no punctuation is 2010 on mdot. no punctuation is 2022 on regular domain. [19:07:20] What does this mean? The skin just does not work. It is fine with the old vector and Monobook (re @jeremy_b: doesn't matter for logged out because that's the default anyway but I'm pretty sure you need a hyphen-minus in there. vector-202...) [19:08:25] you should share this link instead: https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullan%C4%B1c%C4%B1:Akil13?useskin=vector-2022 (re @Yetkin: What does this mean? The skin just does not work. It is fine with the old vector and Monobook) [19:09:18] so? [19:11:39] seems like something that can/should be fixed locally. did you try [[tr:Vikipedi:Köy çeşmesi (teknik)]]? (re @Yetkin: so?) [19:11:59] I'm still not sure what you mean here. I checked all other skins, and none of them have notification icons when logged out. They all (including Vector-2022) have links to your user talk and Special:Contributions (in Vector-2022 they are inside the ... menu top right) (re @Yetkin: Sorry, I meant the icons at the top right of the page. They show up in other skins but [19:11:59] not vector 2022) [19:12:55] I was guessing this was a reference to the icons about FA, other achievements. but I also am uncertain. (re @jhsoby: I'm still not sure what you mean here. I checked all other skins, and none of them have notification icons when logged out. They...) [19:14:08] Not notifications, man. As you see here, the FA icons show up in the old vector skin [19:14:10] https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullan%C4%B1c%C4%B1:Akil13 (re @jhsoby: I'm still not sure what you mean here. I checked all other skins, and none of them have notification icons when logged out. They...) [19:14:27] is there any spefici CSS for fector 2022? [19:15:03] yes? (re @Yetkin: is there any spefici CSS for vector 2022?) [19:18:38] aaaah, ok, now i understand. i was caught up in the word "notification" from earlier. sorry (re @Yetkin: Not notifications, man. As you see here, the FA icons show up in the old vector skin [19:18:40] https://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullan%C4%B1...) [19:24:03] Yetkin it is because that template ([[tr:Şablon:Kullanıcı seçkin içerik]]) has `display: none;` in inline CSS, which is overridden by [[tr:MediaWiki:Monobook.css]] and [[tr:MediaWiki:Vector.css]] with `.topicon { display: block !important }`. [19:24:04] So a solution (but a bad one) would be to add that to MediaWiki:Vector-2022.css too. A much better solution would be to change the `
` in the template with an `` tag (see [[Help:Page status indicators]]) [20:21:42] The indicator approach works. Thanks man! (re @jhsoby: aaaah, ok, now i understand. i was caught up in the word "notification" from earlier. sorry) [20:22:35] The indicator approach works. Thanks man! (re @jhsoby: Yetkin it is because that template ([[tr:Şablon:Kullanıcı seçkin içerik]]) has display: none; in inline CSS, which is overridden...) [23:13:53] ./o\ [23:14:19] (Sorry, misclick)