[03:14:39] anyone seen a problem since 17 UTC? (re @mikepeel: there's also issues with proofread page... https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T376530) [03:16:47] if I get to the point where I'm considering an internal API request and then I see docs say don't do that then does anyone have a good example commit of abstracting out to a backend class? [03:16:48] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Calling_internally [03:16:50] in some cases the data I want could be had from parser output but not in all cases. if you ask the API for it it just queries the DB. [03:17:56] T374761 (re @jeremy_b: if I get to the point where I'm considering an internal API request and then I see docs say don't do that then does anyone have ...) [10:12:31] Pywikibot 9.4 was published yesterday and pywikibot-scripts can be installed from PyPI. Call them with pwb wrapper. [10:14:16] https://pypi.org/project/pywikibot-scripts/