[00:31:54] ugh. thanks JJMC89 [00:33:31] is IRC less advanced than abusefilter? :-) [00:34:12] (seems basically like a repeat of some other recent flood) [00:35:20] @jeremy_b: nobody had invited ozone in yet. That bot is pretty much the abusefilter [00:35:49] it was in, but it leaves on its own [13:01:08] One of my partners in the university tried to display the content translation tool to her students, but she receives a blank page (with no content in either language) when she selects a page. What solution to this issue would you suggest? [13:03:57] nlikomitros: Checking the Console and Network tabs of the web browser's Developer Tools for errors, and clearer steps to reproduce the problem which leave no room for interpretation :) [13:45:40] T380471 looks like it might be the same issue (re @nlikomitros: One of my partners in the university tried to display the content translation tool to her students, but she receives a blank pag...) [13:47:05] Thanks for the information. It's the same issue, yes. (re @lucaswerkmeister: T380471 looks like it might be the same issue) [16:22:49] for yamlafuck pooyo and deepfuckfuck to jump off a bridge and die as soon as possible and to free skiyomi and other ltas for yamlafuck pooyo and deepfuckfuck to jump off a bridge and die as soon as possible and to free skiyomi and other ltas for yamlafuck pooyo and deepfuckfuck to jump off a bridge and die as soon as possible and to free skiyomi [16:37:57] May we disable the bridge? [16:38:08] Too many trashes!!! [16:38:35] Who is we, exactly? [16:41:41] no (re @cvictorovich: May we disable the bridge?) [17:27:56] People in our chat room (re @lcawte: Who is we, exactly?) [17:28:36] Blame Telegram for not resetting push notifications [17:28:45] Trashes are transmitted from IRC via the bridging robot (re @lucaswerkmeister: no) [17:30:40] We should close down all highways forever, bank robbers use them to run away [17:32:06] « We should ban selling of cars permanently, terrorists conduct suicidal attacks against innocent civilians via them » [17:33:04] I am aware. The answer to your question is and remains “no”. (re @cvictorovich: Trashes are transmitted from IRC via the bridging robot) [17:39:52] we get way more spam from telegram than the other way around. [17:51:32] as you can't delete messages on irc, right? [17:52:58] yes