[02:16:30] OK. This might be off topic here. But I am taking an initiative for asking questions about wikisource contest project. If my questions are not to the point please pardon me. (re @jeremy_b: just ask) [02:18:12] Workflow: According to wikisource contest the coordinator announces a contest with a set amount of index pages. And people can come and join into the contest and work. There is an automatic marking system which is handled by another tool running on toolforge. So current workflow is fine. [02:20:22] q1: We are trying to implement judging by maunal to find people those who just change the color of the page without doing anything. For that we need to store votes of judges based on pages. Now there is no database table for that. Can we change the design to accommodate it. There was a local discussion and no consensus. [02:21:38] q2: According to current database design the book name is primary key. that means one book can add only once in all the contest. there might be unfinished books. If it is the case then do we need to change the design of books table. [02:25:02] Repos : https://github.com/indictechcom/wscontest-backend [02:25:03] Frontend : https://github.com/indictechcom/wscontest [09:42:03] This is not so much a database question, but a community question for Wikisource. (And I suspect that they will argue quite hard for duplicates of books, and that people should collaborate on finishing them rather than uploading "competing" versions.) (re @ranjithsiji: q2: According to current database design the book name is primary key. that means one book can [09:42:03] add only once in [09:42:04] all the contest....)