[14:09:27] After the Hackathon I'm staying in Istanbul until Monday 12 May. I just booked an Airbnb in the Cihangir neighbourhood. [14:50:08] I am planning to print some of the stickers in https://github.com/SAWARATSUKI/KawaiiLogos [14:50:30] for Hackathon, there is more in https://vtuberlogos.alfon.dev/ [16:54:37] The venue page was showing the price of the accommodation before tax. Normally in Europe we show hotel prices with the tax included. I fixed the venue page. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2025/Venue [18:07:03] I think that's the same in US? [18:07:04] definitely for flights they are advertised usually all in cost. (re @EdwardBetts: The venue page was showing the price of the accommodation before tax. Normally in Europe we show hotel prices with the tax inclu...) [18:08:53] occasional restaurants and shops include tax, most don't. in US. but somehow travel is mostly different. [18:14:30] a special US variant is where the price posted is the cash price and then if you use a card they charge more. sometimes 3 or 4% more or sometimes 8.875% more (the local sales tax rate) [18:14:31] which is the opposite of what the regulations require in this state. (NY) they are allowed to charge more for cards but only so much to recoup actual card processing fees incurred. they must post the higher card price and then cash is a "discount" instead of having a "card fee". [18:14:32] so you get places posting weird prices ($8.30) so that the cash discounted price is more round. ($8) [18:15:06] (or the other option is post both prices) (re @jeremy_b: a special US variant is where the price posted is the cash price and then if you use a card they charge more. sometimes 3 or 4% ...) [18:17:36] nice. I think I'm going to extend both before and after, extra time to explore the city. was also thinking also about a side trip to Athens. (anyone want to do Athens with me?) (re @EdwardBetts: After the Hackathon I'm staying in Istanbul until Monday 12 May. I just booked an Airbnb in the Cihangir neighbourhood.) [18:21:27] In the US hotel prices are usually shown without tax until the booking confirmation page. It is really annoying. They've also started charging compulsory 'resort fees'. I stayed in a New York hotel in 2023 and the resort fee was $30 per night. (re @jeremy_b: I think that's the same in US? [18:21:28] definitely for flights they are advertised usually all in cost.) [18:22:10] oh right I've seen that way too. (re @EdwardBetts: In the US hotel prices are usually shown without tax until the booking confirmation page. It is really annoying. They've also st...)