[05:56:15] yes.. its just that on server end everything was working fine [05:56:16] but on client our item were not deleted, so migrated to cookies which expire after certain time (re @lucaswerkmeister: then it needs to be refreshed (can be done without user interaction)) [06:45:11] πŸš€ Translate Tagger – Easily add tags to wiki pages! [06:45:11] πŸ”— https://translatetagger.toolforge.org/ [06:45:13] This tool simplifies applying translation tags in the right places with just a few clicksβ€”Can be used for for Wikimedia Hackathon, Wikimania pages, or any translatable content. [06:45:14] πŸ’¬ Feedback appreciated: Phabricator (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/view/7420/) [09:13:50] That's nice and convenient, @gopavasanth! It would help if above the text felt there was a brief explanation of what the tool does (i.e. in which places it adds the `` tags) (re @gopavasanth: πŸš€ Translate Tagger – Easily add tags to wiki pages! [09:13:50] πŸ”— https://translatetagger.toolforge.org/ [09:13:52] This tool simplifies ...) [09:35:08] You probably also want to load from https://cdnjs.toolforge.org instead of Cloudflare (re @gopavasanth: πŸš€ Translate Tagger – Easily add tags to wiki pages! [09:35:08] πŸ”— https://translatetagger.toolforge.org/ [09:35:10] This tool simplifies ...) [10:10:39] Nice! πŸ‘ [10:10:40] I haven't tried it yet (on mobile currently), but two questions come to mind: [10:10:41] How is it different from Special:PagePreparation, and (assuming it is better than the special page), wouldn't it be better to try to incorporate your improvements into the special page instead of it being an external tool on Toolforge? (re @gopavasanth: πŸš€ Translate Tagger – Easily add tags to wiki pages! [10:10:43] πŸ”— https://translatetagger.toolforge.org/ [10:10:44] This tool simplifies ...) [10:14:21] Since developing a tool is relatively easier, We’ve started with that. Planning to build it as an API too so that once it’s ready, we can integrate the logic or use this API in Special:PagePreparation. (re @jhsoby: Nice! πŸ‘ [10:14:22] I haven't tried it yet (on mobile currently), but two questions come to mind: [10:14:23] How is it different from Special:PagePrep...)