[00:38:07] @reputation22: I'm not quite sure if this is what you are looking for, but https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Commit-message-validator has a GitLab CI/CD template that can be used to validate commit messages in a merge request. It does not currently have an option to enforce that all commit messages contain a "Bug: Tnnnnnnn" component however. [03:41:38] yeah sure.. we won't need a enforcer per say..but yes this works [03:41:38] also will it sync with phab? like in gerrit i remember when we raise a patch we used to have a tag added to the ticket (patch-for-review) (re @wmtelegram_bot: @reputation22: I'm not quite sure if this is what you are looking for, but https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Commit-message...) [04:09:09] Yes, there is a bot that will comment on the task and show that there is a related merge request. I don’t remember if it also adds the patch-for-review tag or not. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T364575 is one task showing the integration. [10:33:17] sure i'll look into this [10:33:17] thanks (re @bd808: Yes, there is a bot that will comment on the task and show that there is a related merge request. I don’t remember if it also ad...) [14:39:34] በFacebook እና በMessenger ላይ ክትትልን ለማዋቀር ይጋብዙ፦ https://familycenter.facebook.com/invite/t/WAQMo0sJVAIyWu42TSz1kLTVJlRR4/ [17:22:40] To organize tasks for a wmhack satellite event 2025, is it appropriate to create a milestone under wmhack 2025? or "our own" tag? [17:28:28] I guess you could if it's green with a calendar icon and doesn't move all watchers? :P shrug [17:31:04] OK. I don't propose "sub-project" since it moves members there (and I know everybody loves Palermo but..) lol [17:33:20] Is it a bit long something like "Wikimedia-Hackaton-2025-Satellite-Event-Palermo"? lol [21:01:37] @bozzy: Give it an alt tag of #palermo :) [21:12:19] thanks bd808 [21:13:47] whops, edit conflict [21:13:55] no worries :) [21:14:34] another feature request for Phorge... yuppie [21:15:12] yeah, I'm pretty sure we whined upstream about edit conflicts a decade ago [21:16:00] You're right. Found legacy https://secure.phabricator.com/T4768 [21:57:08] I mean T78236 in our land