[06:38:28] What provides `Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface` ? [06:40:03] https://github.com/php-fig/simple-cache/blob/master/src/CacheInterface.php [06:43:36] Yes I’m attempting to install a Wikibase instance (and improve it), then I found countless missing dependencies [06:43:55] Presumably without wanting to use composer? [06:44:07] I have a composer (re @lcawte: Presumably without wanting to use composer?) [06:46:00] This seems to be a stub (re @lcawte: https://github.com/php-fig/simple-cache/blob/master/src/CacheInterface.php) [06:48:19] ``` [06:48:20] Fatal error: Declaration of Wikibase\Lib\SimpleCacheWithBagOStuff::get($key, $default = null) must be compatible with Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface::get(string $key, mixed $default = null): mixed in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/extensions/Wikibase/lib/includes/SimpleCacheWithBagOStuff.php on line 54``` [06:48:55] Error after installing `psr/simple-cache` [06:51:17] Why are you installing them manually? [06:51:35] I installed Wikibase from git [06:51:57] And? That doesn’t mean you need to install every dependency manually [06:52:46] When I update the database it told me many many things are missing, unable to proceed [06:53:18] Did you run composer to install the dependencies as needed by wikibases composer.json? [06:53:41] No... [06:53:47] Well there’s your problem [06:54:08] Then I shall cd to the dir of wikibase and run a composer update? [06:54:59] Aha! Well done! [06:55:15] Thanks for this wonderful instruction [06:58:00] Didn't even realize that before! [12:29:23] for the local team, could you please add info about eSIM providers? Also, clarify the type of electric plug (schuko, I guess) for anyone interested. [12:30:48] are you not in any of the Wikibase Telegram groups? (re @cvictorovich: Yes I’m attempting to install a Wikibase instance (and improve it), then I found countless missing dependencies) [12:31:10] Sure (re @IsmaelOlea: are you not in any of the Wikibase Telegram groups?) [12:31:20] Didn’t find one [12:31:54] I’m only in Wikidata chat room which focus on its usage rather than development [12:32:19] there are at least three (re @cvictorovich: Sure) [13:51:16] I will buy eSIM holafly is more cheap and unlimited data (re @IsmaelOlea: for the local team, could you please add info about eSIM providers? Also, clarify the type of electric plug (schuko, I guess) f...) [14:28:59] It is available on the Travel subpage (re @IsmaelOlea: for the local team, could you please add info about eSIM providers? Also, clarify the type of electric plug (schuko, I guess) f...) [14:29:43] https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2025/Travel [15:12:09] oh! thanks! (re @nerim4n: It is available on the Travel subpage) [15:12:53] maybe you'll want to add the link to the Travel page. (re @danielyepezgarces: I will buy eSIM holafly is more cheap and unlimited data) [15:17:54] If I add it soon I'll see if I can get a personalized discount code 🙃 (re @IsmaelOlea: maybe you'll want to add the link to the Travel page.)