[16:22:33] hey @bd808 does the codeReviewBot has the perms to add a project tag to open mrs, on phab? [16:22:34] currently its only commenting and not adding the tag [16:22:35] have checked here (https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/releng/gitlab-webhooks/-/blob/main/src/glwebhooks/sinks/phabricator.py) [16:22:37] not really sure where the `phabricator.notify()` is being called [16:41:43] @reputation22: The call happens at . Currently all 3 sinks from SINKS_MAP on lines 143-147 are enabled. [16:43:36] CodeReviewBot is an unprivileged Phabricator account, but it should be able to add/remove tags from any task it can comment on just like any other authenticated Phabricator user. [16:45:56] true [16:45:56] but somehow it managed to add only the comment and no tags [16:45:58] maybe the tag id for "patch-for-review" is changed? or somehow the function is called without this param (re @wmtelegram_bot: CodeReviewBot is an unprivileged Phabricator account, but it should be able to add/remove tags from any task it can comm...) [16:46:16] Could someone confirm whether AtEase (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/At-ease) might be deprecated? [16:47:05] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T386550 [16:47:05] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T337093 [16:47:07] here are couple of phabs where it never attached the tag [16:47:08] ps: in one of the ticket, i had to manually attach the tag [16:48:36] @doguabaris: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T253461#6410123 [16:50:58] My reading there is that we don't want folks to add new uses, but decided to keep the library in core through the MediaWiki 1.43 LTS release. I guess that means that it can come out of trunk (1.44) now. [16:52:39] Thank you!, that was very informative. (re @wmtelegram_bot: My reading there is that we don't want folks to add new uses, but decided to keep the library in core through the MediaW...) [16:54:49] I found that Phabricator discussion by searching my archive of the wikitech-l mailing list for "AtEase" which hit on https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/W4XGSEUWP6XC7RYVEY4TXZORQ5WMSWPK/ [16:55:31] This to me is a big part of why we should be announcing discussions on mailing lists even if we take the discussion itself to another venue like Phab or a specific wiki. [19:31:21] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Requests_for_comment/Mobile_domain_unification [20:03:09] Hello, good evening . Have a nice day.🥰 [21:47:17] hello! Is there a way to find all the language equivalents of the namespace "File:" [21:48:37] They are located in each language's PHP file [21:49:07] so we don't have a list of all of them? [21:52:02] https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Special:Translations?message=nstab-image&namespace=8 (re @Galder: so we don't have a list of all of them?) [21:52:19] 514 results for nstab-image [21:53:27] thanks! [22:15:50] https://codesearch.wmcloud.org/core/?q=NS_FILE&files=Messages&excludeFiles=&repos= ... you could do something a little more tidy than that code search. If you wanted something less noisy, you could probably grep NS_FILE in the languages/messages/ directory.