[09:07:19] Is GitLab preferred than Gerrit nowadays? [09:09:22] I'm kinda pulling this out of thin air and haven't tried gitlab at all but maybe that depends how much code review is happening? [09:09:23] if it's a small project, not production, no pre-commit reviews that's different than e.g. core? [09:11:13] Also I seems to need an unlock request, unless someone adds me into the “trusted contributor” group [09:13:30] Created. (re @cvictorovich: Also I seems to need an unlock request, unless someone adds me into the “trusted contributor” group) [17:29:29] British Contingent - what are people doing flight wise for Istanbul? [22:39:45] cvictorovich: both are options, though each may have features that may be more relevant to whatever you are doing. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/GitLab/Migration_status