[10:58:24] FYI the `restricted` PSS is now enforced everywhere in dse-k8s-eqiad. I've had to upgrade an operator that insisted on not injected `seccompProfile.type: RuntimeDefault` because our kube version was "too old" for its taste, but after that, everything seem to be nominal [13:16:28] nice! [14:01:22] well done! [14:13:12] thanks :) [14:49:56] qq: if I have a service running in k8s that needs to talk to another. Should I a) use the discovery DNS pointing to the ingress (meaning I need to add our certificate to the truststore), b) use a simple Cluster IP service and internal coredns resolution or c) our service mesh? [14:50:59] c [14:51:00] I'd tend towards c [14:53:35] alright then, and where would I add said service to the mesh? I'm guessing we have some puppet config somewhere? [14:55:29] ah well https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Kubernetes/Add_a_new_service#Add_in_Service_Mesh [14:57:52] :D [15:37:27] thanks y'all