[18:21:01] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T378742 :) [18:36:48] cdanis this looks awesome, thanks! Re: persistent storage, we (Data Platform SRE) do have a ceph cluster in the works in CODFW ( ref T349934 ). btullis is on vacation until next wk, but if you're interested in using it we could ask him [18:36:49] T349934: Q2:rack/setup/install ceph200[1-3].codfw.wmnet - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T349934 [18:37:08] inflatador: yeah, I didn't necessarily want to commit to Ceph for this, I know it can be RAM-heavy [18:37:24] I might be interested in re-using that cluster though, for some usages, although it would be nice to keep fate shared with the aux k8s cluster itself [18:38:43] no worries...I'll leave that up to y'all. We've also been discussing TopoLVM CSI [18:46:37] ah that's a new local path provisoner? [18:47:03] looks decent [18:50:11] Y, I've played around w/it in my homelab a bit. Ben was thinking it might have a niche as low-overhead PV [18:51:47] yeah for when you're running something like a replicated DB cluster it seems a fine backing storage