[11:38:11] Hey hey, Regarding the move from statsd & graphite etc into prometheus, as a developer, what services woul you need to setup to see your metrics that you migrate appear in a new place? [11:57:25] addshore: yo! basically pointing mw to https://github.com/prometheus/statsd_exporter and then pointing prometheus to it, IIRC there's no extra configuration required on the statsd_exporter side [11:57:41] having said that, I'll let c.white comment/reply too as I might have missed sth [12:23:50] great, so something like mediawiki -> statsd_exporter <- prometheus [12:24:04] How about clients to read the data, im guessing we still just use grafana? [12:28:54] that's right yeah, interface remains grafana addshore [13:50:49] godog: can we use prometheus::resource_config with a port_parameter defined as Optional[Stdlib::Port] on the target resource? [13:51:53] vgutierrez: IIRC yes, though feel free to send the review my way and I'll take a closer look (starting meetings in 10) [13:52:02] godog: thx, will do