[21:50:51] how should I host wikidiff2 demo.php? [21:51:09] for product review [21:54:22] TimStarling: toolforge or wmcs maybe? [21:56:26] I was looking at toolforge docs yesterday, seems like I could use php -S [21:57:40] I haven't used it before though [21:58:44] presumably cheaper to do that than have a whole system for it [22:02:23] OK, I will try toolforge and see how it goes [22:06:07] Krinkle: can you unmark https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/core/+/880995 as WIP? Given the current state of master, I may as well just merge it and do follow ups [22:08:33] AaronSchulz: ok [22:12:32] rebased stack on your skin change [22:25:36] toolforge containers don't have PHP dev packages or the dependencies I would need to compile [22:25:46] Krinkle: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/core/+/880996/3 has a comment about the summary [22:27:43] Krinkle: I guess you could just deprecate getLaggedReplicaMode() in that case [22:47:35] TimStarling: might be able to use the generic container to serve something custom, it mounts the tool homedir by default, e.g. if the start.sh could do something like ./php -S$PORT [22:48:06] but not sure how feasible a local binary is, I guess it would need to have a bunch of stuff localised that php normally wants to include from shared folders. [22:49:11] I gues wmcs would be easier. We have a webperf project already, you can add an instance to it with latest Debian, enable a webproxy in Horizon and you're up. Or e.g. a Dockerfile where you do things and submit it to Netlify or some such service. [22:50:45] I'm talking about it now in #wikimedia-cloud