[17:07:54] https://engineering.fb.com/2025/01/21/production-engineering/strobelight-a-profiling-service-built-on-open-source-technology/ [17:19:31] ori: neat, it also has first class hhvm integration which at a glance seems eerily similar to what excimer does: https://github.com/facebook/hhvm/blob/master/hphp/runtime/ext/strobelight/ext_strobelight.cpp [17:20:01] excimer uses a timer to fire off the callback whereas strobelight triggers it via a signal handler is the main difference [17:21:58] I must say though, I'm not super convinced by them open sourcing strobelight given their track record in this space (mcrouter, hhvm) [17:36:27] mszabo hmm doesn't hhvm already have a sampling profiler though? It has Xenon which we used for flamegraphs while on hhvm. We then made excimer to get the same on php7 [17:36:44] yup, it does