[06:54:26] hello folks [06:54:32] I noticed https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/000000455/elasticsearch-percentiles?orgId=1&var-cluster=eqiad&var-smoothing=1&viewPanel=9&refresh=1m in icinga [06:56:19] around the same time there was an increase of cirrusSearchLinksUpdate, may be related [07:16:53] elukey: thanks for the ping! dcausse any idea? [07:32:27] o/, looking [07:36:26] this is "error while communicating with remote cluster [omega]", so it's silently breaking crossproject searches (I think it's due to T305689 and the rolling-restart) [07:36:27] T305689: Elasticsearch chi@eqiad cluster contains invalid cross cluster settings - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T305689 [08:03:27] this crosscluster problem should be unrelated to the spike in cirrusSearchLinksUpdate, this queue might have backlogged a bit more than usual due to the rolling-restart [08:18:47] Errand, back in 20' [10:13:50] lunch [11:21:18] Lunch and errand [12:34:25] o/ howdy! [12:34:57] I had a question emailed to me, but not sure if it's something ya'll can help with: "I have a concern regarding the ( Query timeout limit reached ) in SparQL, can you help?" [12:39:18] debt_: hey! feel free to forward it to the disco-private email, I'll try to respond [12:40:05] thanks! [13:05:13] greetings [13:36:53] o/ [13:53:42] inflatador & ejoseph the regular wednesday meeting is still going on [15:40:37] Oh [16:20:31] hmm, comcast lost google again? I can get consistent pings to and wiki, but nothing to or any google properties :S [16:20:58] mtr report to meet.google.com dies 2 hops away from me in comcast's network :( [16:22:41] Sounds about right, feel like I've had that before with my ISP (cox) where normal routes work fine but anything going through google dies [16:54:44] may be ~5m late to unmtg [17:37:10] lunch, back in ~30-45 [17:37:26] dinner [18:23:51] back [18:57:56] dr apt, back in ~30 [18:58:49] [19:54:30] back, but not feeling any better...going to take the rest of the day off [20:59:25] lunch [22:16:30] back [22:26:42] random questions looking over these tuning reports, why are 20% of spanish inputs sending 10+ chars, while de/en/fr are around 10% and sv (swedish) somehow only goes up to typing 6 chars