[07:31:15] o/ [07:49:04] o/ [08:27:23] \o [08:28:14] I need a review on https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1119048 if someone has time. This is about sending alerts to the main Discovery Search board instead of sending them to the milestone (since I'm changing how we use Phab) [08:33:54] gehel: if you plan to mass move tickets again perhaps look at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Phabricator/Help#Batch_edits [08:35:46] Oh, that might help cut down on the noise! [08:37:51] @team: could you make sure you answer the P&T Culture survey: https://wikimedia.cultureamp.com/adhoc/wikimedia?code=67800b4dd87238002bde8b48 (password in your email, or ping me) [08:59:01] heading to a coworking space today. I'll be afk for 15ish mins [10:26:53] i put together some about what i've learnt re model and a/b test deployments (I forget things quickly...). Spamming here in case other folks might find it useful https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:GModena_(WMF)/Deploy_LTR_models [10:27:17] *some notes [10:28:39] thanks! [10:30:18] dcausse thank you for the walkthrough this morning! [10:34:20] np! [10:34:50] started https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikidata_Query_Service/Streaming_Updater/Public_Update_Stream will probably add a couple examples to make it easier to understand [10:36:55] heading out for lunch in montpellier, might be back a bit later than usual [10:52:07] enjoy! [11:48:44] I claimed T383218 [11:48:45] T383218: Mjolnir is sometimes stuck in feature selection - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T383218 [11:54:19] looking at the Driver thread dumps: it is waiting for worker threads to reply, but all executors seem to be dead/deallocated. Don't know why it's not simply hitting a timeout on the heartbeats and shut itself down. [13:55:47] dcausse shall we enable the A/B in tomorrow's slot? [14:09:57] dcausse if you have time to look at https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1090529 before pairing today LMK. I think it might be a good time to merge it [14:30:13] back [14:30:27] gmodena: sure [14:30:32] inflatador: looking [14:41:14] dcausse thanks for the review, we should be good to go! [14:53:01] bad news on relforge...it seems that they are HP chassis, and the reimage cookbook doesn't work for them. I asked in DC Ops what to do next. cc brouberol [14:56:34] :( [14:59:43] ah crap [15:00:03] small break+cycling home while there is sun outside [15:59:30] dcausse do you have any preference for morning or afternoon slots for tomorrow? In the afternoon I have a meeting at the half hour, but I think this should be a quicker deployment (can even do async if you prefer) [16:00:28] gmodena: morning is fine by me [16:52:51] dinner + kiddos [16:53:03] dcausse ack. I'll schedule and send you a meet invite. Thank you! [16:53:15] np! [16:53:26] workout, back in ~40 [17:19:28] dinner [17:20:33] dog walk [17:39:57] back [17:46:24] gehel can you approve this relforge quote when you get a chance? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T382906 . [18:59:17] lunch, back in ~40 [20:47:59] The categories lag alerts are starting to clear. I guess we got a good dump of zhwiki after all ;)