[10:42:18] errand+lunch [12:52:06] lunch + physiotherapist [14:10:43] dcausse if you have time to help regenerate the relforge data LMK. I assume it involves running a DAG or something? [14:20:31] inflatador: seems to be wiki indices used by the SUP in staging [14:20:41] I'll try to recreate them but probably not today [14:27:32] dcausse ACK, happy to wait 'till next week on that one [15:51:33] i spent some time today to dig into the search endpoints. Interesting stuff! I'm learning more context for T385970. [15:51:35] T385970: Update the article-country isvc to use Wikilinks for predictions - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T385970 [15:52:56] i need to timebox some work to setup a local dev env. [15:53:29] do folks here still use vargant (as suggested the CirrusSearch extension doc) ? [15:53:46] gmodena: no, mw docker is what we tend to use these days [15:53:54] ah! great [15:54:03] i'm quite happy with that setup :) [15:54:22] there's a receipe for cirrus: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki-Docker [15:54:28] that we need to update for opensearch tho [15:54:43] thanks for the pointer! [15:54:54] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki-Docker/Configuration_recipes/ElasticSearch [15:55:21] simply replace "docker-registry.wikimedia.org/repos/search-platform/cirrussearch-elasticsearch-image:v7.10.2-5" with "docker-registry.wikimedia.org/repos/search-platform/cirrussearch-opensearch-image:v1.3.20-0" [15:56:07] ack [15:57:17] on this note, dcausse IIRC you mentioned some doc re lucene internals that'd be interesting to review. Do you happen to have links handy? No rush, this can totally wait till monday! [15:57:24] haven't been able to do multi-arch builds so it's only for amd64 but I suppose you could try to build it locally if you have a mac [15:57:28] sure [15:58:48] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5RmMNDR5XI&t=765s is the basics (but still quite relevant) [15:59:31] thanks! [15:59:45] FWIW so far I've been quite happy with amd64 compat on silicon. [16:00:29] both with mediawiki and the flink java runtime [16:00:54] ack [16:01:12] you also have a learning circle about cirrus at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z3pGzfA-2tXNHrCtcfjZPSH0Sy_0Xz2w/view [16:01:45] ah! great. I need to review more of your learning circles. [16:01:54] are they still a thing? [16:02:33] we haven't done a learning circle in quite a while. Maybe we should. [16:02:50] this one about mlr should be interesting too https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e6KFuY7q-j0ClULHq9RnHAIB5-Q-2dwI/view [16:04:10] ack! [16:05:17] well... all of them could be somewhat interesting: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CA6ZiOQsEaVGjw2nZKV5OUb3aG9Z6VdX :) [16:05:45] I think Deep Dives kind of replaced them [16:09:24] and forgot https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BareBonesSearch.webm from Trey [16:11:24] in hindsight I should have asked for these pointers 6 weeks ago :D [16:11:43] great stuff! And major kudos for putting this library of content together [16:13:16] :) [16:15:05] * inflatador sees a lot of stuff he could stand to review [16:44:35] time to start the weekend! Enjoy the time off and see you next week! [16:44:42] Reminder: Monday is a US holiday... [16:45:27] enjoy! [17:12:19] weekend++ - see you on monday [17:12:39] US folks, enjoy the long weekend! [17:16:55] enjoy! [18:30:55] heading out, have a nice week-end [22:00:07] Just had an alert for p95 fulltext latency. It cleared, but doesn't look great over the last couple of hours: https://grafana.wikimedia.org/goto/4eQ_6n5NR?orgId=1