[00:19:13] Oh gosh, I totally forgot about that [00:21:02] Did I really never move it over to Gerrit? I'm sorry [09:40:56] inflatador / legoktm : we do have it on gerrit: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/operations/software/elasticsearch/madvise [12:14:54] lunch+workout [13:17:27] gmodena: would you have time this afternoon to do a deploy of the search update pipeline with me? [13:42:05] dcausse sure! [13:42:57] gmodena: is now a good time? if not please ping me whenever you want [13:49:08] dcausse ready whenever you are [13:49:23] cool thanks for making the time [13:49:55] gmodena: https://meet.google.com/mbt-qkeh-anp [13:49:57] dcausse no prob at all! Looking forward to see how SUP worka [13:50:01] *works [13:50:23] oof. okta is nagging. one sec [13:50:40] np! [14:15:32] thanks g-ehel l-egoktm ! I guess I was looking in the wrong place ;) [14:29:02] Just popped a ticket for everyone's favorite thing: naming! T387028 [14:29:03] T387028: Decide on a new name for Elastic hosts - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T387028 [15:03:44] o/ [15:19:09] o/ [16:00:16] workout, back in ~40 [16:44:15] gmodena: just fyi I filed https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T387038 and sent a quick patch to illustrate the issue (no rush on this one) but just to make sure you don't worry too much when looking at https://grafana-rw.wikimedia.org/d/8xDerelVz/search-update-lag-slo (it's totally inaccurate because of the backfill) [16:44:52] it's better to ignore this dashboard for now and look at the kafka backlog [16:45:05] dcausse shoot. Good catch [16:51:38] time to start the weekend! See you all on Monday! [16:53:01] gehel have a nice weekend! [16:53:14] I'm going afk too. [16:53:46] dcausse I had a second look at the etherpand, and I don't have any question. Thanks for the walkthrough earlier! [16:54:17] i'll check the channel later tonight, holler if something pop up [16:55:17] but most of all, enjoy the holiday & the alps! [16:59:50] gmodena: thanks! [17:02:00] .o/ [19:05:55] lunch, back in ~40