[15:36:13] marostegui: hey you think you an depool db2197 for me now for me to reset the idrac or next week ? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T367648 [16:07:41] papaul: give me a sec. Let me check. If possible I will do it [16:09:50] Amir1: ok thanks [16:27:14] Amir1: if it is too much troble we can do that next week i have to leave in 30 minutes to go for lunch and get ready for a meeting [16:36:53] Oh sorry [16:36:57] I got stuck [16:37:03] One minute. I promise [16:38:50] papaul: it's a backup source, it's not pooled. I think it's fine to do anything. cc. jynus [16:40:03] Amir1: thanks [16:50:23] Amir1: thanks server is back up online [16:50:31] Thank you! [16:50:34] and sorry [16:51:48] Amir1: no problem