[07:57:56] <_joe_> ottomata: it would help if you didn't ping me regularly at 7-8 pm my time :) [10:55:34] https://github.com/TLINDEN/tablizer/ A neat tool for those of us dealing with columnar output from programs [10:56:02] It's a but like cut(1), but cleverer [11:10:29] at the risk of being the Old Unix Person, awk is right there [and has a totally easy UI what do you mean? :) ] [11:10:53] total coincidence that awk is a substring of awkward [11:11:41] and if you remove 'rd' is also palindrome [11:14:33] Oh, I am an awk fan, but as soon as you have spaces in a column, things get really messy [11:15:13] tablizer's -X mode is also very neat [14:30:40] _joe_: indeed! Sorry about that! [14:31:01] glad scott could help though! good to have more folks available to review crazy patches like that. thank you! [20:55:56] I noticed that 'puppet' still resolves to puppetmaster1001.eqiad.wmnet ... should we update to puppetserver1001 instead? [20:59:44] inflatador: ah, interesting yeah - still CNAME'd to puppetmaster1001. to be honest, I have no idea what might be relying on that in the context of straggler puppet 5 use cases =/ [21:03:31] might be something to ask in -sre-foundations if anything relies on that? [21:04:36] I was just about to say probably open a ticket because I think it's worth asking if we should even have that cname [21:34:12] yeah, if there's no use case for it (or, if all could be met in some other way), then perhaps not even having it is the right solution ... [21:35:32] the last changes to the target of that CNAME (e.g., switching it back and forth to the equivalent codfw host) were in 2019 (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T234315) [21:36:44] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Puppet_CA_replacement (warning: draft and old) would suggest this was at one point used by puppet agent [21:39:04] spot checking a host that's still on puppet 5, I do still see `server = puppet` in puppet.conf, so yeah ... maaaybe still relevant? [21:39:15] yeahhhh [21:39:51] it's defined in each zone too -- like puppet.esams.wmnet points to puppetmaster1001 [21:40:02] okay so let's not remove it ;) [21:40:08] :) [21:51:10] Hey, I'm just asking questions ;P