[06:06:10] <_joe_> hasharAway: and nothing replaced eventstreams which is more or less in abandon [15:54:44] > nothing replaced eventstreams which is more or less in abandon [15:54:44] _joe_ eh? you mean eventstreams stream.wikimedia.org? if so that is not abandoned at all [15:55:28] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Event_Platform/Maintainers [15:55:33] <_joe_> ottomata: oh sorry I got that impression when I was looking at deployment rates [15:56:27] yeah it doesn't need a lot of active development, but there is some coming in now. search made a change to support some cross dc stuff they needed, we are working on getting rid of service runner, etc. [15:56:53] we moved code to gitlab recently [15:57:06] enterprise is based on it (for better or really for worse :/ ) [15:58:05] <_joe_> ottomata: oh good to hear! [18:10:29] this might be a dumb question, but can we proxy traffic from baremetal to k8s using envoy? Like if I registered a k8s service properly, could I point to http://localhost:1234 on my baremetal server and reach a k8s service? [18:11:03] you could expose the service to baremetal via k8s ingress [18:11:16] and then yes, you could use envoy to reach it [18:12:22] see also profile::services_proxy::envoy in puppet [18:13:23] thanks cdanis , will check that out [18:49:41] JennH: I got partman sorted out but now I can't make the system stop installing over and over, want to see if you can sort that out? T378825 [18:49:42] T378825: Q2:rack/setup/install cloudcephosd2004-dev - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T378825 [19:02:02] andrewbogott: yeah i think i know how to stop that. [19:02:14] thx [19:08:28] I thought I did too so lmk what works :) [19:26:41] topranks: is it still the case that all new cloud-vps servers need your by-hand intervention to set up the cloud-private networking? jclark-ctr is hitting roadbumps with the new cloudcontrol [19:29:47] andrewbogott: found it. boot order got mixed up when the drives got altered most likely. it doesn't have an image now so i'll run the reimage cookbook unless you had other plans. [19:30:03] nope, have at. thanks! [19:43:08] andrewbogott: yes unfortunately the additional networks to be trunked need to be changed in Netbox after the server is added there [19:43:38] The details are here but I guess mostly art.uro has been doing these [19:43:39] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Portal:Cloud_VPS/Admin/Network#Physical%20Connection [19:43:51] that one should be good to go now, I'll let John know [19:44:10] thank you! [19:46:09] also I assigned as it's IP for the cloud-private network, I think that probably gets put in puppet somewhere for the initial config [20:08:52] cwhite: https://grafana-rw.wikimedia.org/explore?orgId=1&left=%7B%22datasource%22:%22000000026%22,%22queries%22:%5B%7B%22refId%22:%22A%22,%22datasource%22:%7B%22type%22:%22prometheus%22,%22uid%22:%22000000026%22%7D,%22editorMode%22:%22code%22,%22expr%22:%22mediawiki_gadget_example_total%22,%22legendFormat%22:%22__auto%22,%22range%22:true,%22instant%22:true%7D%5D,%22range%22:%7B%22from%22:%22now-1h%22,%22to%22:%22now%22%7D%7D [20:09:12] That's from [20:09:24] > `curl https://test.wikipedia.org/beacon/statsv?mediawiki_gadget_example_total:42|c|%23key1:value1,key2:value2` [20:09:29] > `curl https://test.wikipedia.org/beacon/statsv?mediawiki_gadget_example_total:1|c` [20:15:23] \o/