[13:05:39] I am going to mess up again in Gerrit with the Code-Review label for operations/puppet.git [13:05:59] I did it yesterday and eventually my config change entirely REMOVED the Code-Review label [13:06:12] because inheritance vs override [13:07:22] that is https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1115068 [14:43:51] looks like it worked :b [14:44:21] that addresses the issue jelto encountered yesterday: when a patch get a CR+2 and it get rebased, the CR+2 is carried over and CI does not run [14:44:36] and thus there is no Verified score added [14:46:37] hashar: would this also fix C+2 given while CI is running that leaves the CR in ready to submit but not submitted in repos with gate and submit? [14:59:07] volans: the change I have made is only for operations/puppet.git which does not have gate-and-submit [14:59:09] so no [15:00:18] ok [15:00:25] when a patch is CR+2 , there is a short window of time during which it also has Verified+2 [15:00:29] whcih makes it submittable [15:00:56] and as soon as CI catch it and the change is in gate-and-submit, the Verified score is set to 0 which remove the submitability [15:01:12] there is a task to remove the submit permission from humans [15:01:21] I should just do it I guess [15:04:10] hashar: that's another thing. What I'm describing is: git review -> go to gerrit (CI is already running) -> set C+2 -> wait for CI to finish [15:04:17] expected result: merged and submitted [15:04:28] actual result: ready to submit [15:05:02] it can only be ready to submit if it has the CR+2 and V+2 [15:05:35] and it has it [15:05:43] but gate and submit doesn't submit it [15:05:54] which is what I have described, that is true until the CR+2 event is processed by Zuul in which case it will then drop the Verified score and the change is no more ready to submit [15:06:18] well that is a bug [15:06:38] cause it should once it has completed or vote Verified -1 [15:06:55] OR if there is a dependency loop caused by some Depends-On headers, then there is nothing happening [15:07:10] Zuul silently ignore the set of changes forming a dependency loop [15:07:15] see https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/software/spicerack/+/1092281 [15:07:20] I had to manually submit it [15:07:29] it had C+2 and V+2 [15:07:41] but I C+2 *before* the first CI run was completed [15:07:59] cause you did not wait [15:08:10] https://integration.wikimedia.org/ci/job/tox/3809/console : SUCCESS in 10m 45s [15:08:17] Gate pipeline build succeeded. [15:08:20] so yeah it worked [15:08:49] I have to check the verify score [15:09:12] OHHHHHH [15:10:03] so yeah that is one voting CR+2 before the test have completed which then vote Verified +2 making the change submittable [15:11:40] I don't know how to solve that one though [15:12:05] exactly, but not submitted by gate and submit, not sure why. Maybe because the CI run was started not by gate and submit but was already there [15:12:24] it's a minor annoyance, I tend to wait the first CI to finish nowadays [15:15:50] anyway sorry for the distraction, I thought it might be related [19:03:36] Amir1: RE T351820 - would this be the first x/non-core db to be available on wiki replicas? Or do we expose some of the flow/echo and other x1 data as well? [19:03:37] T351820: Move Wikidata term store to separate database cluster - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T351820 [19:03:47] I don't see any cnames for x1 or flowdb or wikishared etc https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/g/operations/puppet/+/8e605b866baf4c93bf4b3d444da4ee6d9dff7230/modules/openstack/files/util/wikireplica_dns.yaml#19 [19:05:21] We may want to introduce something like wikidatatermsdb or some such as cname ahead of time [19:05:36] so that people can put it in their code (currently pointing to s8) but treating it as a separate connection form their perspective [19:05:47] and then you change it whenever [19:09:49] * Krinkle found https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T351802#10454080 [19:26:54] Yes. That's the plan. I also plan to eventually expose x1 to wikireplicas too but that's for next fiscal year (after budgetting expansion of wikireplicas)