[15:57:42] Are there any examples of sidecars in production services (other than the service mesh)? I'm thinking about an MW object cache service, maybe subscribed to the change-prop feed, to avoid network fetches to MW instances (WF.org and WD.org) for the function-orchestrator. [16:35:03] James_F: there was T244340 which sounds similar to what you are proposing but it got decommissioned AFAIK [16:35:04] T244340: Reduce read pressure on mc* servers by adding a machine-local Memcached instance (on-host memcached) - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T244340 [16:38:11] James_F we are running git-sync sidecars in the dse-k8s cluster, see https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/data-engineering/blunderbuss [16:41:54] mszabo: Yeah, good find; that was a pre-k8s thing for the MW appservers, whereas we're thinking of something on the orchestrator side to avoid load on the appservers, but something worth thinking about, thank you. [16:43:07] inflatador: Aha, interesting. Thank you! [18:12:56] Is there documentation about how to do schema changes for removed tables? It seems that's not covered by https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Schema_changes [18:13:38] That page assumes a json patch (which isn't needed for drop table), or a manual sql file (idem). [18:14:15] But to get it right requires quite a few changes. [18:14:38] Eg https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/core/+/1117849/2 [18:26:08] James_F: We have the Thanos sidecar for metrics, but I'm not sure if it's relevant for what you're looking for. [20:23:45] denisse: Ack, will look at that anyway, thanks.