[08:58:30] for the folks around today: I'm seeking a quick review of https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1120130 [09:06:39] thank you arnaudb ! [09:07:38] np! [14:45:11] I am working on kartotherian, surely my fault [14:45:20] checking what's wrong, I just pooled more k8s nodes [14:45:41] ack [14:46:02] !incidents [14:46:02] 5681 (UNACKED) [3x] ATSBackendErrorsHigh cache_upload sre (kartotherian.discovery.wmnet) [14:46:12] !ack 5681 [14:46:12] 5681 (ACKED) [3x] ATSBackendErrorsHigh cache_upload sre (kartotherian.discovery.wmnet) [17:09:44] This is the summary of the incident for whoever is interested: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T386648 [17:09:51] I don't have a clear root cause yet [20:08:09] Has something changed about how to apply a puppet patch in beta cluster? I've got it cherry picked in `root@deployment-puppetserver-1:/srv/git/operations/puppet` but it seems no matter what I do, running `sudo run-puppet-agent` on deployment-mediawiki14 still runs with the previous commit. [20:08:19] Info: Caching catalog for deployment-mediawiki14.deployment-prep.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud [20:08:20] Info: Applying configuration version '(67c7ef4cd5) gitpuppet - deployment-prep: Remove parsoid things from hiera' [20:08:34] root@deployment-puppetserver-1:/srv/git/operations/puppet# git log --oneline -n2 [20:08:35] 4f069b799e (HEAD -> production) mediawiki: Add rewrite rule to fix serving of /.well-known static files [20:08:35] 67c7ef4cd5 (tag: snapshot-202502171709) deployment-prep: Remove parsoid things from hiera [20:41:33] Well, time passing doesn't make it fix itself. Still out of sync 40min later. [20:41:53] I checked /etc/puppet/puppet.conf does point to puppetserver-1 [20:42:52] on deployment-puppetserver-1:/var/log/syslog it reports various other servers running puppet are also using the old commit still at the current minute, so it is getting it from somewhere on that server. [20:54:56] The most common reason that a patch fails is if it causes some kind of compiler error, in which case it would report that on puppet agent, it wouldn't keep provisioning the previous commit.