[11:28:06] !incidents [11:28:06] 5692 (UNACKED) [2x] ProbeDown sre (dse-k8s-ctrl1001:6443 probes/custom eqiad) [11:28:12] !ack 5692 [11:28:13] 5692 (ACKED) [2x] ProbeDown sre (dse-k8s-ctrl1001:6443 probes/custom eqiad) [11:35:20] !incidents [11:35:20] 5692 (RESOLVED) [2x] ProbeDown sre (dse-k8s-ctrl1001:6443 probes/custom eqiad) [11:35:24] gooood [11:37:00] !incidents [11:37:00] 5693 (UNACKED) [2x] ProbeDown sre (dse-k8s-ctrl1002:6443 probes/custom eqiad) [11:37:00] 5692 (RESOLVED) [2x] ProbeDown sre (dse-k8s-ctrl1001:6443 probes/custom eqiad) [11:37:06] !ack 5693 [11:37:07] 5693 (ACKED) [2x] ProbeDown sre (dse-k8s-ctrl1002:6443 probes/custom eqiad) [11:37:12] what the hell [11:52:00] !incidents [11:52:01] 5693 (RESOLVED) [2x] ProbeDown sre (dse-k8s-ctrl1002:6443 probes/custom eqiad) [11:52:01] 5692 (RESOLVED) [2x] ProbeDown sre (dse-k8s-ctrl1001:6443 probes/custom eqiad) [11:54:02] I have silenced the alerts for dse-k8s-ctrl100* since given the errors in the logs it may be something that depends on running pods/jobs, that shouldn't page over the weekend in my opinion [11:54:13] (also added a silence for the specific HTTP probe) [11:54:33] Cc: brouberol, btullis (as FYI for tomorrow, no action needed now!)