[07:54:22] is phabricator down? [07:54:33] nope, it's back [10:13:26] fabfur: nothing suspicious on the Apache scoreboard at least ( https://grafana.wikimedia.org/d/L0-l1o0Mz/apache?orgId=1&refresh=1m&var-host=phab1004&var-port=9117&from=now-6h&to=now ) :) [10:14:16] hashar yeah, it was my provider that decided that some routes weren't good enough [10:14:40] I had to change public IP [10:14:54] 8) [12:52:47] FYI also to oncall, per-country NEL reports are currently broken: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T387850 [13:03:03] thanks for the heads up [13:25:02] ack [13:37:51] ok [13:40:24] <_joe_> ottomata: I have set https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T387850 to UBN! because per-country NELs are pretty important [14:44:40] herron: please merge my CR if it's showing on your puppet-merge session [14:45:07] just missed it! lock is free now [14:45:09] vgutierrez: ^ [14:45:11] thx [17:29:32] _joe_: ACK, just saw this in IRC. rolled back. thank you and sorry for the breakage! [17:36:45] <_joe_> ottomata: thanks and sorry for the dry communications, I was in meetings all afternoon :)