[10:14:44] [[Tech]]; Deu; /* The problem of collapsing templates in Georgian Wiktionary */ new section; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=24959775&oldid=24948102&rcid=27203809 [15:57:57] [[Tech]]; Matěj Suchánek; /* The problem of collapsing templates in Georgian Wiktionary */ Reply; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=24961257&oldid=24959775&rcid=27206183 [16:16:05] apparently PHP thinks all files are executable when I mount them in docker. [16:16:35] excimer-ui-client$ $ docker run -it --rm --volume $PWD:/src -w /src --entrypoint composer docker-registry.wikimedia.org/releng/composer-package-php74:0.4.2 test [16:16:50] This fails with minus-x reporting every file in the repo as "Error: $file should not be executable" [16:17:01] excimer-ui-client$ docker run -it --rm --volume $PWD:/src -w /src --entrypoint /bin/bash docker-registry.wikimedia.org/releng/composer-package-php74:0.4.2 [16:17:15] ls -halF [16:17:16] -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody nogroup 978 Apr 30 14:20 composer.json [16:17:17] whomai [16:17:18] nobody [16:17:27] $ php -a [16:17:33] php > var_dump( is_executable( 'composer.json' ) ); [16:17:33] bool(true) [16:17:51] php > var_dump( stat( 'composer.json' ) ); [16:17:51] ["mode"]=> int(33188) [16:17:57] php > echo base_convert('33188', 10, 8); [16:17:57] 100644 [16:18:26] anyone have an idea what might be going on here?