[06:02:56] Morning, I'm getting repeated bot backoffs since last night on enwiki, maxlag report coming back as {"code":"maxlag","info":"Waiting for 40052.647665 seconds lagged.","host":"","lag":40052.647665,"type":"db"}. I'm assuming people are aware, but just putting here for visiblity if not [06:05:45] mdann52: better now? [06:06:29] yep, bots woken back up. Thanks for sorting so quickly, was just trying to work out where to report in phab but looks like you sorted that too! [09:30:47] Hi, is there a problem with irc.wikimedia.org ? My bot can't connect on this server IRC (or I can't see it with /whois) [09:39:54] Frakir: I can connect fine, it had some changes recently, what error do you see? [09:40:35] On #fr.wikipedia, I see only me and the rc-pmtpa volans [09:40:42] o/ also please tell us (if you can, otherwise in pvt) what client are you using and what settings (connection string, port, etc..) so we can try to repro :) [09:43:39] Frakir: ahhh yes this is by design, with the new system you have a private sandbox (if we can call it in this way) [09:43:51] so you don't see the other bots/clients connected [09:44:04] do you see events flowing though? [09:45:02] I have to ctcp chat my bot to act on it, I wonder if I can [09:45:18] I see [10:45:02] <@rc-pmtpa> [[Nate Thurmond]] ! https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?diff=219819786&oldid=213629315&rcid=533262010 * 2A01:E0A:9F5:C260:BCDB:6A51:322C:1FAF * (+25) /* Records NBA */ resolution homonymie .... [09:46:41] No I can't send ctcp [09:49:03] I added a special section to https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Irc.wikimedia.org#Why_do_I_see_only_my_nick_and_rc-pmtpa_in_various_channels? [09:49:51] well [09:51:18] Frakir: really sorry for this trouble, we tried to track down as many bot owner as possible before the migration but it was a difficult task (we also announced it via wikitech-l etc..) [09:52:12] no problem, it was strange but now it's clear :) [09:52:18] also please add your bot to https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Ircstream#Bots_still_using_the_legacy_setup [09:53:48] Frakir: ok thanks! [22:27:36] is there some hour when wmf staff are available for technical support on irc [22:29:49] not really, are you looking for help with something specific? [23:35:22] gry: there are WMF folks who hang out on irc for sure, but no dedicated support windows that I know of these days. I might be able to suggest some times and places to ask particular questions if you have specific topics in mind. [23:35:32] there was scheduled time before [23:35:39] which was like 3am my time but at least it existed [23:35:42] yes, https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Technical_Advice_IRC_Meeting was a thing in 2018/2019 [23:36:05] i'm in https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Ybc3xn63mxmx7v0t [23:36:17] i see, maybe time to do same thing volunteer-run [23:37:56] The main problem we had in organizing TAIM was getting people to sign up to answer questions. It worked pretty well when WMDE was assigning staff to help, but once it moved to a volunteer model I ended up spending all week trying to line up 2 people to spend an hour on IRC. :/ [23:44:14] gry: I'm trying to think of who might be able to answer your Android push notification questions. If you are on Discord, I think I would suggest showing Seddon your question. He is the manager of the mobile apps team. I think he could at least help you find wiki pages to read. [23:44:52] oh, heh. Seddon is Seddon here on IRC too. :) [23:47:08] gry: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:DBrant_(WMF) is another person you could try reaching. [23:48:07] * bd808 needs to go outside and touch grass for a while