[12:35:35] [[Tech]]; Matrix; /* jQuery and dark mode styles */ new section; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=28271271&oldid=28270380&rcid=34346902 [12:50:33] is it possible to update redirection URLs of existing OAuth applications? [13:39:19] xtex: no, you must create a new consumer [17:54:32] .. I re-found the 2019 paper from Stewart Geiger about a 'bot infrastructure at Wikimedia Labs [17:54:57] arXiv:1909.05189v2 [cs.HC] 13 Sep 2019 [17:55:37] "Our goal: Lowered barriers to participation" [19:35:55] hello [19:36:15] can anyone help with a broken taxobox module [23:26:35] hello? รถ [23:29:31] sorry, my first time here, how does it works?