[12:20:05] hello. please tell me there's way to disable these emails, "Subject: Muiltiple failed attempts to log in to Wikimedia Commosn as Kate". they are driving me crazy. i know i have a common user name, i also have a very secure password. [12:32:02] ivy: I think you can disable in Special:Preferences [12:34:10] bawolff: thanks. under "Notifications" i see "Failed login attempts", but all the checkboxes are already unchecked... [12:34:29] this is on enwiki, hopefully i don't need to check this on every wiki [12:36:03] ah. i loaded Special:Preferences on commonswiki and "Failed login attempts" was enabled for both web + email. so i guess i need to disable this on 150+ wikis [12:36:15] Hmm, im not sure if the run on a central wiki or not. If it was one specific wiki, i would imagine it would be either meta.wikimedia.org or login.wikimedia.org [12:36:25] ivy: You can use Special:GlobalPreferences to change for all wikis [12:37:35] oh, that's new. let's see how this works, thanks [12:39:55] Its been around for about 5 years now, but nobody knows it exists as its kind of hidden [12:40:31] that's fair, i think i last edited about 15 years ago but i keep getting these annoying emails :-)