[10:59:20] [[Tech]]; Binbonm; /* setting ldap */ new section; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=28368135&oldid=28353853&rcid=34563767 [11:00:34] [[Tech]]; Binbonm; /* setting ldap */; https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=28368136&oldid=28368135&rcid=34563772 [11:19:43] [[Tech]]; Johannnes89; Restored revision 28353853 by [[Special:Contributions/Tegel|Tegel]] ([[User talk:Tegel|talk]]): -empty section ([[:metawiki:TwinkleGlobal|TwinkleGlobal]]); https://meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?diff=28368298&oldid=28368136&rcid=34564008 [18:19:15] Hi all. Does anyone have 10-15 minutes to help me with a Lua module? It is a simple question and the reason I need help is primarily my limited expertise with Lua. [18:24:15] simple is subjective ;) [18:26:42] I think it is shamefully simple. Let me try. Here is the module: https://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:Debugger and here is a template using it: https://test.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Debugger and to my surprise, I cannot return a list of args passed to the module [18:31:11] Reedy what do you think? Simple? [18:46:25] Ah, I need to get the arguments from parent of the frame. Issue solved. [18:46:43] * Huji_wmf feels ashamed