[11:46:38] hey y'all, re https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T359901 I'm trying to find out what rule may have triggered the 429 [11:47:16] if I have the varnish XID, how may I do that? it's unfortunately not in webrequest sampled [11:50:53] mmm as we don't store logs on varnish hosts, this must be found in webrequest, for sure, live maybe? [11:56:54] not finding it in turnilo webrequest_live either [12:03:07] did you found the XID in our logs? [12:03:14] claime: live is sampled [12:03:25] volans: i know [12:03:53] hence likely to not be there a specific request [12:03:57] fabfur: no I didn't, but may be looking in the wrong place [12:04:18] volans: I think by deduction I may have found the rule, see -security [19:12:00] 06Traffic, 06DC-Ops, 10ops-esams, 10ops-magru, 06SRE: CPU temperature issues in cp hosts - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T373993#10401554 (10BCornwall) 05Stalled→03In progress p:05Triage→03High